Chapter 12

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"Is everyone ready to go?" Hermione asked. They were all huddled outside of the castle, had been waiting for the twins and me to arrive. Hermione resembled a tour guide with the way that she was standing in front of the rest of us, leading the day and directing us where to go.

"Yup," Ginny said.

We all began to walk not towards the exit of the castle grounds, but around the side of it to get to the main entrance. I realized that I had no clue how we were going to get to Hogsmeade.

"Wait, how are we getting to Hogsmeade?" I asked.

"Floo network," Ron informed me.

"Yeah, there's a fireplace with floo access in the main common room, and I got access from Mcgonnagal to use it. She doesn't know that Ginny's coming though, so Gin, stay out of sight," Hermione said. Ginny nodded in response.

Fred was walking to my right, our arms barely brushing with every step that we took, and I turned to him and whispered, "I've never used a Floo before. I'm not really sure how to do it. Is it scary?". I tried to not let my face show my uneasiness, but I was never really all that great at hiding my emotions.

He chuckled. "No, it's not scary. You at least know how it works, right?". I looked up at him with guilty eyes and shook my head. He just let out another chuckle. "Right, I forgot that you were raised Muggle," he said, patting on the back. "All you do is take a handful of the floo powder, throw it into the fire, and say where you want to go and then walk in. It's easy, I promise".

I nodded, but was still nervous about it. I mean, what did it feel like? Did I just teleport to Hogsmeade?

He looked at my face that still contained looks of uncertainty, and laughed while nudging my shoulder with his own. "You're cute," He said in a teasing way.

I frowned up and him, letting out a little hmph. He wasn't calling me cute as in pretty, he was teasing me. And I didn't like being teased.

"What?" He said, nudging me again. "It's the truth. I promise it's not scary. I first did it when I was like six".

"What's not scary?" George now spoke, coming up to my other side.

"Nothing," I murmured.

"She's scared to use the floo," Fred informed him. I looked up at Fred with an angry look, embarrassed that George now knew that I was afraid of something so mundane for the average wizard.

"Awww, I promise it's not scary," He assured me. I looked at him with a disagreeing look.

He sighed. "Here, how about this. I'll go in front of you, and Fred can go behind you".

He didn't seem like he meant it like how I heard it, but my cheeks still flushed as his words registered in my brain. I have such a dirty mind, I thought to myself, shaking images of one in front of me and one behind me in a different sense out of my head.

" 'Kay," I said, trying to forget the scenarios that were not planted in my brain and focus on knowing that if one of them would be with me as I left and one waiting for me on the other side would make it less scary.

We walked into the entrance of the castle and into the common room, which looked very similar to the Gryffindor common room but much bigger. I assumed that Dumbledore had something to do with the design, and he always made whatever he did very Gryffindor.

"Okay, it's just this one here," Hermione said, walking over to the large fireplace that was on the other side of the room. "She gave me a password, I think I just have to say it once and it should be open for all of us to use. I got it cleared for all seven of us, but if anyone asks, Seamus came along with us and Ginny stayed home".

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now