Chapter 23

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The next couple of days went by in a blur of words about different components of potions and different ways to transfigure different objects.

I hadn't spoken with Fred and George, we really only saw each other at meals and it was still pretty awkward. Every single time that I saw them I wanted nothing more than to make up with them and for them to be my friends again, but I knew that that wasn't fair and that it wasn't really my position to decide. I wasn't the one dealing with rejection and I needed to try and understand that not everything was about me. If they could deal with that, I could deal with not having a couple of my friends.

I had been studying more than I ever had, using every extra second of my day to bury myself in work so that I wouldn't have to think about anything else.

I knew that I was acting like I was going through a breakup when I really wasn't, but it damn sure felt like one. I had always said that friend breakups were worse than real ones, and I was really proving myself right.

On the bright side, when Wednesday night approached I was feeling confident that I could go to the first day of testing the next day and ace the test. I had never felt this confident about any tests before, but I had studied everything I needed to know twice, and then some more. I went to bed Wednesday night just focusing on the tests over the next few days, not thinking about the ball, spending two weeks away from everyone (especially the twins), and definitely not clouding my brain with anxiety about Fred and George.

"You think you're ready?" Hermione asked me as we walked into potions.

"Yeah, I really think I am," I said confidently.

We walked over to our seats and sat down in front of Fred and George. I did worry about them a little bit, I was sure that without bugging them to they probably didn't study as much as they should have for their tests.

I fiddled with my pencil until Snape handed out the exam, and once he called time to start, I focused solely on the test and didn't let any other thoughts running through my brain bother me.

Before I knew it, I had finished the test and it was almost time for lunch.

The way that the tests worked was that we only had our first two classes today, one before lunch and one after, so that we had more time in each class to ensure that we could finish the tests. We would have our last two classes the next day, and then we would be done.

"One of four," Hermione sighed as we walked out of the classroom.

I had always assumed that she would love tests because of how much she loved school work, but the truth was that she dreaded them. I wasn't the only one happy to have one of our exams done. We would have more towards the end of the year, but I didn't need to think about those.

"Three more," I groaned.

"Snape is said to give pretty hard tests though, so maybe our others won't be so bad," Hermione said.

I nodded and we made our way into the dining hall and over by our friends, and we all discussed and groaned about how our first test had gone.

Lunch went by much quicker than I had hoped, and it was soon time for Transfigurations.

We went to class, took the very boring but not too difficult exam, and then we were finally done for the day.

"Thank fucking Merlin," I murmured to Hermione as we left the room.

"I know," she said. "I mean, that was the most utterly boring thing that I have ever sat through. I'm pretty sure that there were at least ten questions about one kind of plant".

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now