Chapter 31

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They both nodded and walked out the back door of the house, and I followed behind them until we reached a big tree whose long branches sheltered us from the little drizzle that had started to fall from the sky. It was also a little while away from the house, so no one could see us from inside. Fred leant up against the tree and George stood with his arms crossed, waiting for me to speak. Neither of them looked mad in any way, it was just obvious that they had been waiting for this conversation and looked a bit impatient.

"Listen guys," I started and could feel myself begin to ramble. "I'm so sorry I left in the morning, I didn't really know what I wanted to say and I needed to get back to my room because we needed to leave, and I just wanted to get out of there before all of the people-" I stopped myself mid-sentence because I was just making up excuses. "Whatever, it doesn't matter why, I shouldn't have just left like that and i'm really sorry".

They were both still looking at me with unreadable faces which made me nervous, so I looked down at my hands and continued.

"Also, I'm sorry I just came to you guys like that, I um, that night I sort of realized my uh, feelings, and just didn't want to wait until after we came back from here to tell you guys, and I guess that was how I decided to express my feelings".

I could tell that one of them was about to speak, but I continued on anyway because I needed to say one more thing.

"Also I don't want you guys to think that this was like a one time thing," I said quickly, realizing that I should have probably told them that much earlier. I hadn't really made that the most obvious the past few days. "Unless you guys want it to be," I said quietly.

Fred stepped in front of me, softly grasped my chin and lifted my face up to look at his.

"Hey," he said calmly, reassuring the anxious look that had taken over my face at the thought that they could have not wanted more. "Neither of us wanted it to be a one night thing. I mean, merlin, how could we?" he asked with a sweet smile.

"Really?" I asked in confirmation. They both nodded. "Even after I was being stupid last week?" I asked, stupid being the only way I could describe how I had acted.

"Even after you were being stupid last week," he confirmed, releasing my chin from his hand.

"I mean we knew that you probably weren't going to jump into our arms right away, we kind of sprung that on you. And it's a big deal, the two of us," George said from where he was standing next to Fred in front of me.

"I had a feeling that you'd come around though," Fred said teasingly.

I smacked him on the arm. "You didn't know. That was an impulse decision and completely my choice in the moment. I didn't like you guys before".

Fred leant down and kissed me on the forehead before saying, "Okay, princess".

I glared up at him as he pulled away, but the two of them just chuckled and we fell into a comfortable silence, looking out at the house in the rain from our shelter underneath the tree.

"So uh," George said, breaking the silence. "What's going on with you and Harry?".

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing. We talked after the dance and I told him that I had feelings for someone else".

"You do, do you?" Fred asked while bumping me on the shoulder.

"But like," George continued. "You guys just seem awfully close. Maybe you told him that you don't have feelings for him, but what about him? He obviously still does".

"He doesn't," I said finally, trying to end the conversation.

"But what have you guys been whispering about these past couple of days?" Fred asked.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now