Chapter 7

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"Okay so do I just wrap it around the tree once?" I asked Fred and George once we had realised that we were actually supposed to be marking the trees. I turned around from the tree to see that they both just shrugged with their hands in their pockets. "You guys are no help," I said while rolling my eyes. I took the tape and wrapped it around the tree trunk once and then called it good.

"Okay, so you guys follow the map, and I'll tape the trees as we go. I want to get this done as quick as we can," I said while walking away from the tree and continuing on the path. I heard someone quicken their step to walk up next to be and then felt Georges' arm nudge mine.

"What, don't want to spend time with us?" He asked with a cheesy grin.

I rolled my eyes. "No, I just want to get out of here before it starts to get dark. This place has always given me the creeps".

"Awww," Fred cooed from my other side. "You're scared of Hogwarts forest". He was talking in a mocking, almost baby-voice and I punched him in the arm for it before stepping away from the two of them to walk over to another tree to tape.

"I have every right to be scared of a forest that's filled with real monsters," I said defensively while I wrapped the tree. The stupid tape wouldn't stick to the mossy part of the tree so I had to unwrap it and re do it in a clean part.

"Don't worry," I heard Fred say softly from right behind me while I felt his body press up lightly against my back, his chest just grazing the material of my shirt. "We'll protect you". I could feel his breath on my neck and it sent chills down my spine. Hopefully he couldn't feel it. The combination of him pressed up against my back and basically whispering into my ear caused my breath to hitch for a moment.

It took me a second and a deep breath to get my bearings, but once I did, I turned around so that our fronts were not pressed together and hit him roughly in the chest

"I don't need any protection. I can very well protect myself, thank you very much," I said confidently before I slid out from under his arm and went to go walk next to George.

"Oh, is that true?" Fred asked while sauntering over, apparently still trying to get on my every last nerve.

"Yes". I turned away from Fred to the less obnoxious brother, hoping to catch a break. "Now George, how's quidditch going?". I made it obvious to Fred that I was done being annoyed by him and only wanted to talk to his brother.

"Oh, it's going very well, thank you," he said to me before looking at Fred with a cocky expression because I had chosen to speak to him over the other.

I wasn't quite sure how long we had been walking, I was just following George's directions and taping a tree every once and a while so that future students would know when they were on the right path. I quickly got over my annoyance at Fred and was actually having a pretty good time. As always, they were making me laugh so much that my stomach hurt and I swore I had almost peed myself once. We talked about our friends and our teachers, and our plans for the year. Then they had started telling me funny stories from the Weasley house growing up, and Merlin did that family sound fun. They had assured me that growing up with six siblings wasn't as fun as they made it out to be and that it had it's downs, but I didn't believe them. I had always hated being any only child, always wished to share christmas morning with another kid.

I was in the middle of telling them a story from my childhood when I had accidentally used magic before I knew that I was a witch, when I realized that it was getting dark and that George hadn't given me any directions in a while. We had just been walking while I started to tell stories about my childhood, both of them watching me with lit up eyes and smiles as I spoke and not looking at the map.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now