Chapter 15

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I was awoken by the sound of knocking on our door, much too early for any sane person to be waking me up. I figured that it was just a part of my dream and tried to go back to sleep, but the sound continued.

"Mmmph," I could vaguely hear coming from Ginny's bed. '"Who. The. Fuck," She grumbled into her pillow.

"Dunno," I mumbled. Another knock sounded throughout the room.

With a groan, I got up and walked to the door, much too tired to put on pants underneath the big t-shirt that I was wearing. I figured that it was one of the house elves or something, even though they never came to our rooms.

I opened the door with a frown to be greeted by two very awake and cheery boys.

"What the fuck," I said to them.

"Get dressed, we have flying lessons!" George said, much too cheery for the current time.

"You- This-" I couldn't even get my words out right because I was still half asleep. "This is what you woke me up for?".

I could tell that Fred was trying not to laugh at my current state when he said, "Slytherin has the field booked out for basically the entire day after breakfast, so we figured we'd go out before".

"No," I said firmly and tried to close the door. I didn't care how mean I was being, no one fucks with my sleep.

The door didn't shut all the way because one of their feet had stopped it.

"Y/n c'mon," Fred said. "Ravenclaw has it tomorrow and this same thing will happen next weekend".

"I don't care," I said. "Let's just forget it then".

"No," Fred practically whined. "It's time you learned and we promise that we'll make it fun". He looked at me with a pout.

"Plus, we can watch the sunrise," George added. I looked at him with a look of contemplation, wondering how the hell he could always convince me to do things.

"Fine," I said rolling my eyes. They smiled high fived dramatically, making me let out a chuckle even though I was trying to be annoyed with them. "Just give me a minute," I said before yawning and stretching my arms into the air. I had accepted that I wasn't going to go back to bed and needed to actually wake up.

"Um, Y/n, you uh," Fred spoke awkwardly. I opened my eyes and looked at him with my arms still stretched above my head to see that both he and his brother were looking at my lower half. I had forgotten that I hadn't put pants on and when I raised my arms, my shirt lifted and my underwear was exposed.

"Oh, oops," I said with a blush, quickly lowering my arms to my side. "I forgot to put on pants because I was woken up from a deep sleep," I said teasingly. They both laughed in response. Thank god I put on my comfy panties last night, I thought to myself, grateful that I wasn't wearing anything more scandalous.

"We'll wait for you in the common room," Fred said while taking a step back to walk away.

"Okay," I groaned, still not happy to be starting my day at the ass crack of dawn.

I walked back into the room to see that Hermione was still asleep and that Ginny had gone back to sleep, and I was relieved to know that I didn't wake them. Lord knows what they would have done if I woke them on a saturday for nothing.

I walked into the closet with tired eyes to pick out clothes that would be fit to fly a broom in (which I would just have to guess about). I searched around for a minute before deciding on a pair of plain black leggings and a baby blue lulu lemon long sleeved shirt. It wasn't anything exciting, but it was comfortable and didn't cause wind resistance which I was pretty sure was a good thing when it came to flying a broom?

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now