Chapter 9

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"You guys," I whined to the whole lunch table. "I really don't want to go to potions".

Hermione looked at me from across the table with an annoyed expression. "Oh calm down, Y/n, potions isn't even hard".

I scoffed. "For you! Even if the class was easy, I really don't feel like dealing with Snape today. You know he hates me".

"True," Harry chimed in. "He does like to pick on you an awful lot". He nodded in sympathy. Just glad it's not me anymore!" He said, attempting a joke. I smiled at him, forcing a little laugh.

I looked at Hermione with a look as if to say 'see? Snape hates me'. She just rolled her eyes. "Well maybe it's because you're either drawing penises on the desk or talking to those two for the entire class," She said while gesturing to Fred and George with her fork.

They both looked at her with mouthfuls of food and innocent faces, acting as if they didn't know what she was talking about.

Everyone chuckled while Hermione shook her head disapprovingly, and we all began talking about what shops that they wanted to visit in Hogsmeade on Saturday. Hermione requested that we visit her favorite book store, even though she couldn't possibly need more books, both Harry and Ginny wanted to go to some quidditch place, and everyone agreed that a trip to Honeydukes was needed. I didn't really care what shops we were going to visit, I was just excited to get out of the castle for a bit. It wasn't that I was bored of Hogwarts, I just didn't really go anywhere other than the school if it wasn't somewhere muggle.

My parents never took me into the city where all of the wizarding places were, so I was very excited to go eat at a restaurant where I was allowed to have my wand out and wear robes if I pleased. I had a smile on for the rest of breakfast, happy about our plans for the weekend.


Breakfast had finished rather quickly as we all excitedly discussed our day trip the following day. This was the first year that we could all be out of the castle without supervision together, and we were itching to get away from the teachers and their stupid rules. Technically, Ginny wasn't allowed out, but when did she ever follow the rules? It wouldn't hurt anyone if she came along.

We had made our way to potions class, which was passing much slower than lunch had. The twins had tried to distract me a bit with something, but I quickly told them that I needed to pay attention, so they didn't bother me anymore. Apparently I was not understanding this class, going by my understanding of the homework from the last few nights. I needed a good grade in this class to make up for how bad I was doing in transfigurations, so it wasn't a good sign that I had to stead Hermione's homework for the past couple assignments. I just didn't understand how a quill could turn into a broom. It didn't make sense.

"Alright class, turn to page 489 in your books," Snape drawled in his voice that could make the most interesting story boring.

I held back a groan and complied with the request, dread filling my stomach as I saw the title of the page : love potions.

"Today," Snape continued, slow as ever. "We will be brewing love potions. No, you cannot take them home, and if I find out that one of them has gone missing, there will be repercussions". I saw a few of the boys in the class look disappointed at that, apparently hoping that they could rope a few girls in with a love spell. Snape saw this as well and continued on. "I see a few of you are apparently disappointed at this. Love potions are some of the most dangerous potions that we deal with. They can induce emotions and lead to decisions that one would not normally make. Using these against one's will is punishable by law, so I do not advise that you go against my instructions and decide to use one of these. To emphasize this, your homework tonight will be with a partner, writing about the upsides and downsides of love potions. One of you will write each of the sides".

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now