Chapter 16

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"Where are you going?" George asked me as I walked past the dining hall where breakfast had just begun.

"I need to go change," I said. I had wanted to get out of my workout clothes. Even though most people wore muggle clothes on the weekends, they still looked mildly presentable. No one really wore any kind of pajamas or sweats to meals, and I didn't really feel like drawing any unnecessary attention to myself.

"Why? What you're wearing is fine for breakfast," he said.

"Just let me at least change into some jeans. You guys go sit down, I'll only be a couple of minutes," I said before beginning to walk up to the dorms.

"Fine, if you have someone to impress at breakfast," George said teasingly.

I flipped him off, not turning around from my walk back to my room.

Once I had arrived at the room, I quickly changed into some big jeans and a tighter dark brown sweater. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to do for the rest of the day, but I assumed that that would be suitable for whatever it was that I would be doing.

I quickly washed my face, brushed my hair and threw on some (much needed) concealer and mascara before leaving the room to go meet with everyone for breakfast.

"Y/n!" Ginny shouted once she had seen me enter the room. "Come sit here!". She scooted over a bit so that there was room to sit between her and Ron, and I walked over to her and plopped myself down next to her.

"What?" I asked.

"Do you have any plans for today?" She asked.

"No," I said with a hint of unsureness.

" 'Mione and I want to go have a little picnic at that little spot that we found that looks over the water. Will you come?".

"Sure!" I said with a smile. "That sounds like so much fun".

"Yay!" Ginny said with excitement while clapping her hands together. "We haven't done anything with just the three of us in a while".

. "I know, "It'll be fun," I said while returning her smile.

" 'Mione wanted to bring homework, but I told her that I forbid it," she said quietly and close to my ear so that Hermione couldn't hear her.

"Good," I said quietly back, relieved that I could finally hang out with Hermione without school work being an issue.

"But now I owe her a day of studying with her, so say goodbye to one of my upcoming saturdays".

I laughed at how miserable she looked to have to spend part of a weekend actually doing her homework for a change.  "Well, I'll go with you and we'll make it fun".

She smiled at me gratefully before going back to eating her eggs.


We spent a couple of hours in our room before we decided to go have our picnic. Hermione worked on an extra credit essay, Gin had left to go practice quidditch with Harry for a little bit, and I wrote letters to my parents.

After the first few weeks of the school year, I always began to miss my parents a little bit, and this year was no different. Even though both of my parents could be annoying (my mom in particular), I grew up with just the two of them. Sure, I had Sophie for a while before she moved and maybe a couple of other friends, but the truth was that I spent my entire childhood as an only child with my parents as my closest friends. I was starting to miss family dinners and movie nights, and I was just missing my mom and dad.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now