Chapter 19

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"What if I fall?" I asked George.

We had just left breakfast and were about to start flying at the field, and he had told me that it was time to fly up higher in the air. Like all the way up to the goal posts.

"You won't," He said impatiently while thrusting the broom at me. I gave him an uneasy look to which he rolled his eyes and sighed before saying, "You haven't fallen once this whole time. You are not going to fall".

"What if it's windy up there or something? It could push me off and then I would fall and then-".

"Y/n," He said while placing his hand on my shoulder, interrupting me. "You will be perfectly fine, I promise. If you somehow happen to fall, I'll cast a cushioning charm on the ground. That won't even be needed though, I believe in you".

I let out a worried breath and nodded my head.

"Okay," He said before patting me on the shoulder once more before removing his hand. "Let's just get up there, and I promise that it will be worth it".

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You'll see. Just get on your broom".

I sighed and nodded, easily hopping on the broom and getting a bit into the air after a few more lessons.

"Okay, now just follow me," He said before lifting the tip of his broom to the air and flying upwards, obviously going slower than usual so that I could follow behind.

I reluctantly followed behind him, only watching him in front of me and electing not to watch the ground get further and further away from me.

He stopped up in the air at some point, and I flew up right next to him and stopped as well.

"There! That was the hardest part," He said proudly. I nodded while still looking at him nervously, not risking a look down or anywhere else other than the red haired boy in front of me. "Look," He said while gesturing out in front of us.

I turned to where he wanted me to look and my eyes widened. I hadn't thought about the fact that once you were up this high in the air, you could see all of Hogwarts and beyond. You could see the castle and a full view of how truly tall it was, it's tip stretching up almost into the clouds, as well as the wall of the trees of the forbidden forest that surrounded it. You could see the surrounding lake and all of the hills and valleys that the picnic viewed, as well as the surrounding water and nature of every side of Hogwarts. It was truly beautiful to look at the castle and bordering scenery from above. I could see why Ginny wanted to come out here so much.

"Woah," I said.

"I know," he said, also in awe at the view that he probably saw every day. "And you wondered why you should learn to fly," he said smugly.

I rolled my eyes. "Still wondering. I have yet to learn how this benefits me; a pretty view doesn't take away how fucking terrifed I am to be this high up in the air".

He chuckled and maneuvered his broom so that he was in front of me and facing me. "Now you can play quidditch with us for fun, that's how it benefits you. Also, we'll fly around for a bit so that you get more comfortable up here. All of us were scared the first time".

I risked a look down to the ground which was not a good idea. All of the details that I had been able to see on the ground were now blurry, and all I could make out from so high up was the green of the grass. The deadly, barely-cushioning the hard ground grass.

"Don't look down," George said. "Let's just fly around. It's fun".

George and I flew around for a bit, starting off slowly and working on control and then eventually speeding up. He had started to tease me and poke at me in hopes that I would get angry and chase him around on my broom, and he eventually got what he wished for. He had said something about Blaise that set me off, and we were both soon whizzing around the air - him flying wherever he pleased and me desperately trying to catch up to him and do Merlin knows what to him once I caught him. I chased him around the field for as long as possible, him always going way too fast for me and then slowing down to taunt me. I realized when I slowed down and got off of my broom onto solid ground after having given up that that flying had actually been great practice and I hadn't thought about falling off of my broom once when I was trying to catch him.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now