Chapter 35

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"No, George. Gin and 'Mione are waiting for me," I said dismissively and tried to slide past him to get to our room.

"Y/n," he warned sternly. I looked up into his eyes to see that he was looking at me with a serious, partially unreadable expression.

"Fine," I said and walked up the stairs in front of him, hoping that this wouldn't take long and that my friends wouldn't notice my absence.

When I opened the door and stepped into the room, George following behind me, I noticed that both Fred and George did not seem too happy.

"What's up?" I asked, looking at both of them confusedly. "Why are you guys upset?".

Fred walked up to me until we were almost chest to chest and looked down at me with a stern look. "Do you think it's funny to flirt with other guys in front of us?" he asked.

My mouth opened, forming a slight 'o' and I didn't know what to say. I had been a little flirty with Charlie that day, and I had sat next to him at dinner and had been particularly nice to him. I didn't really mean anything by it, I was just kind of bored and was trying to get petty revenge at the twins for how often they got jealous. I had been annoyed that they didn't talk to me about it and instead just got mad, but I couldn't be mad at that now. If I had wanted confrontation instead of ignorance, I was getting it.

"I- uh-," I started, not being able to defend myself. "I didn't mean-".

"You didn't mean what?" George asked, coming up beside his brother. "You didn't mean to be a little flirt with our own brother all day? Or go off with Harry and do Merlin knows what?".

"Okay, now that wasn't-" I started, trying to tell them that they misunderstood what had happened with Harry.

"Save it," George said.

He captured my lips in a bruising and aggressive kiss, his mouth moving much too rough and fast against mine for me to even try to keep up. They had walked me backwards until my knees hit the foot of one of their beds, and George removed his lips from my own and pushed me back onto it.

I fell back onto my elbows, panting a bit from the kiss, and looked up to see the both of them standing over me with angry looks on their faces. I knew that I was supposed to be feeling remorseful at the moment, but I couldn't help but be completely turned on by how dominant they were being.

George stepped forward, climbed onto the bed, and straddled me. Without warning, his hand quickly dove into my pants and under my underwear. He delved into my warmth and collected some of my wetness before moving his finger to my clit and moving his fingers in fast circles, causing me to squirm from slight overstimulation.

"Just because you decided to be a little tease and not confess your feelings to us until the day before we left so that we couldn't make anything official doesn't mean you get to flirt with our own brother. In our own house," he spat angrily, his fingers speeding up at an almost painful speed.

I opened my mouth to reply, but the only sound that came out was a breathy moan. His fingers continued to slide over my clit again and again, and I could barely comprehend what he was saying, let alone try to reply.

I shut my eyes and leaned my head back in pleasure, but his fingers soon removed themselves from me. I opened my eyes and glanced up at the two of them, panting and confused.

"Take off your clothes," Fred said, his arms crossed.

"What?" I asked.

"Take. Off. Your. Clothes." Fred said assertively. "We're going to show you who you belong to".

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now