Chapter 8

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"Okay, we just have to get to her room without being seen, and then we can use the cloak to get out of there," George said with one hand on the door while turning back to Fred and me.

We had walked from the forest all the way to the far side of the castle in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, it was just obvious that all of us wanted to get Harry's bloody cloak and then get to dinner.

"It's not past curfew though?" I said.

"Well no," George responded. "But we don't really have a reason to be in this part of the castle. The only reason we can even get through this door is because Fred and I know the advanced unlocking spells".

I nodded, but was not reassured. Although I loved breaking the rules because it was fun, I did not like getting in trouble. Hypocritical, I know. Being out late was one offence, but being found sneaking around in Mcgonagall's personal spaces would probably get a note sent home to my parents, and I did not feel like having to explain this to my mom.

"Okay, let's go," I said while gesturing to the door.

George nodded and muttered a few spells that I had never heard before under his breath, and a few sounds could be heard from inside the door frame, proving that the spells did in fact work. The door popped open and George opened it fully, gesturing for us to follow him in.

We walked past a few doors before arriving at one with a plaque that read 'Minerva Mcgonagall' on it. Thankfully, the door was only a few from the door that led outside, so hopefully we could make a quick escape after retrieving the cloak.

George stood in front of the closed door and turned around to look at Fred and Me. "Okay, Fred, you go in and find it and I'll stay out here with Y/n".

"What? Why do I have to be the one to go get it? I want to stay out here!" Fred said grumpily.

George rolled his eyes.  "It was your idea to use the cloak! And why do you even want to stay out here? Being lookout is boring. It will take you two seconds".

"Well it's probably under a dissolution charm so it's going to take ages to find! And you know why I want to stay out here!". Fred had now gotten closer to George and they were approaching a full-on fight.

"Hmm? Why is that Fred?".

"Shut up, George! Just go grab the bloody cloak!".

"It was your idea!".

"I merely suggested it, you were the one who grabbed it!".

If they were going to continue to raise their voices we were going to get in trouble again. "Fred I swear to Merlin I-"

"You guys" I hissed while using my hands to push them apart by their chests. "You guys are making a bloody ruckus and are going to get us in even more shit!". They both opened their mouths to respond but I continued. "Fred, just go in and grab the cloak". He looked at me with a look that was part angry and part complaining, but I didn't care. I mustered up my most pleading look and said, "Please? I just want to get out of here".

He mumbled a "Fine" and walked in the door. Once the door had shut, I sighed, closed my eyes, and leaned against the wall. The combination of walking around for what felt like hours and not having eaten anything that day had begun to catch up with me.

I felt George lean against the wall next to me, our shoulders touching. "You okay?" He asked.

"Mmhm," I said while nodding, my eyes still closed. "Just hungry. Haven't eaten anything today. And sleepy".

"Y/n," He said disapprovingly. "How come you haven't eaten?".

"Dunno, just wasn't hungry until now," I mumbled.

Wonderful Mischief (Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now