Chapter 24

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I awoke slowly, feeling more safe and more comfortable than I had been in a long time. It was as if there was a warm blanket wrapped around me that shielded me from the rest of the world. A tall, muscly blanket.

As I slowly came into consciousness, I realized that the reason I felt so comfortable was because I had a body wrapped around me. The one body that I shouldn't have come to for this very purpose. Well, one of two.

I reached up to rub my eyes when I started to open them, being blinded by the soft yet bright light that attacked my eyes the second that they were opened even a slit.

"Y/n?" Fred asked softly from beside me.

I cursed myself for moving; I could have just faked sleep for a little while longer and basked in the comfortable embrace from one of the people that I missed so dearly. I wished that I could have just laid there for just a few more minutes without having to confront what I had been dreading for days.

"Mmph," I murmured into my hands that shielded my face from the morning light.

I realized that they were probably both awake and waiting for me to say something, for I had been avoiding them for days and then just decided to come barge in and cuddle with Fred all night. I sat up, the comforter pooled around my waist, and I rubbed my eyes once more before finally opening them with a wince.

"Y/n," Fred asked from beside me again. "Can you tell us what happened?".

As soon as he asked that question, memories from the night before flooded through my mind and the same feeling of sadness and loneliness took over again. I couldn't help the tear that slipped out of my eye before I put my face in my hands again.

"Hey, hey," George said. "Shh, it's okay".

He had come to sit on the bed next to me, and he was rubbing his hand softly over my back. I could tell that both of them were being very conscious and tense when it came to touching me, and I felt horrible. They probably thought that if they touched me in a completely platonic way that I would mistake it as something else and run away, just as I had done these last few days.

I removed my hands from my face and decided to show them that I didn't think that they were doing anything with mal intent and I leaned my head on George's shoulder as a few more silent tears escaped my eyes.

He took the invitation to comfort me in the way that they knew how to and he shuffled over on the bed so that he was in front of me and quickly engulfing me in a hug.

The hug was like nothing that I had ever felt before. It was firm but  not suffocating, and it was more comforting than any words that could have been said. It let me know that everything was going to be okay, even though neither of them had a clue what was wrong. It caused more tears to fall from my eyes and a few sobs to escape that needed to be let out. He held me in his embrace until I stopped crying, and then for even longer than that. I had tried to let go out of kindness because he had been holding me for so long, but he knew that I needed more so he didn't let go. I hugged him even harder after that, finally taking a deep breath giving him one final squeeze before letting go.

He pulled away and searched my eyes, making sure that I was really okay. I nodded in response to his silent question, and he fully pulled back.

"Y/n, what happened?" Fred asked in a soft, comforting voice.

I took a deep breath. "Well, um," I had started to get choked up a bit again, but George placed a hand on my back and rubbed a soothing pattern, so I took another deep breath and continued on. "Harry asked me to the ball and I said yes because, well, I don't have a date and he's nice and well, I just wanted to go with somebody. But apparently Ginny likes him, or well has liked him for a while, but I swear I didn't know. I knew that she had a little crush on him last year, but I thought that that blew over because she hasn't really talked about him much this year. Or, well, maybe I wasn't listening? I don't know. Anyways, she and 'Mione got really mad at me last night and told me I was a horrible friend and then left, and I dunno, I guess I just believe them because how do I not know who one of my best friends likes? How did I miss that? I just can't believe I didn't notice. People tell me that I can be kind of oblivious at times".

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