Chapter 27

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I stretched out, the sun beaming on my face. I smiled as I quickly got up. I tiptoed across my room and into the hallway. I very quietly opened up Sam's door and snuck in.

Once her door was shut, I sprinted over and jumped on top of her, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!!!!!"

Sam flipped over and scowled at me, "This is payback, isn't it?"

I just flashed her my biggest smile and fluttered my eyes, "Now why would I do that?"

She pushed me off and we just laughed.

"What time is it?" Sam groaned out as she sat up and stretched.

"11:00! Zander-Greyson-whatever messaged me last night saying to be at the lake at noon...And that you would know where on the lake to go."

She rolled her eyes playfully, "It's always the same place. They just like going there because humans go there and just ogle them like they are gods and goddesses."

Sam got up and started rummaging through her dresser and closet. She threw two strips of black fabric at me, "Here, put these on."

"Ha. Ha. Very funny, Sam. I am so not wearing this! It barely covers anything!"

"That's the point...shush and go put it on!"

I groan and sulk over to her bathroom. I put it on. No. No. No.

"Let me see!!!" I hear Sam squealing from her bedroom.

I walk out, "No. No. No."

Her jaw drops, "Oh My Moon Goddess!!! I knew it would look good, but I didn't think it would look that good! You HAVE to wear it!!!"

"What about my mark though?"

"Makeup, girl! I have some waterproof stuff in my bathroom." Sam said as she went and got the makeup and put it over my mark. You could barely see it! I was impressed.

"Why do you have this stuff?" I ask.

"I got it in case I ever secretly went and got a tattoo without my dad's permission."

"Have you?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Sam said with a wink, "Not yet! We should get one together!!!"

"Maybe! I've always wanted one, but back on the strings you call a bikini. Are you sure it looks okay?"

"Kaileigh! You look great!!! You're going to knock them dead in that!"

Sam quickly goes and puts on a basically matching one, but strapless and pink.

"We can't just walk out of here like this..."

"Here!" Sam sings as she tosses me some cutoff jean short shorts and a small white tank top as she puts on some black shorts and a white tank top.

"Let's grab some food and hit the road!" Sam continues to sing as she goes for the door.

"I'll meet you down there, I just need to grab my shoes and my phone."

Sam skipped off downstairs to get us some breakfast as I slipped back into my room. I quickly put on some sandals, grabbed my phone and wallet, and headed down to meet Sam.


I look up to see Dylan standing there in a suit. Wow! He sure cleans up well!

"Sorry, Dylan," I mutter out.

He just chuckles, "Are you this shy around everyone or just me?"

I just look up at him with a slight pout on my face.

"Where are you off to?"

"T-the lake with Sam. Apparently that's the thing to do around here."

Dylan examined me from head to toe, "What happened to your mark?"

"Sam covered it up with some makeup she had. Is that okay?"

He smiled, "Of course. One day you won't need makeup for it. It won't be there anymore or it'll be covered up."

I gave him a quizzical look at his end comment. He just smirked and brushed my hair behind my ear. He started to lean down when Sam came prancing up the stairs calling my name.

Dylan jolted back quickly and straightened himself up.

Sam stopped and just looked at us, "Dylannnn, let my Kaileigh go. We're off to the lake! You'll stop by after your meeting right?"

Dylan looked at me, "Well someone has to keep the boys off of you two. I'll be there later."

Sam then grabbed my arm and ran downstairs and out to her Jeep with me. We hopped in and headed off to the lake. When we got there the party was in full swing. There were a ton of people all over the lakeshore and a small boardwalk with little food and drink stalls. It was amazing!

Sam was super lucky and found a spot right on the shore by the boardwalk. We could see some other wolves up by the water and humans were scattered about. We laughed as we could see human girls staring at male wolves and human boys panting at female wolves.

Sam honked her horn a few times to get the other wolves' attentions. They all waved at us and ushered us over. The humans that were nearby instantly looked in our direction to see who else was joining the god club.

We quickly hopped out of the Jeep. I could feel eyes on us, so I looked over at Sam. She just laughed it off. I guess they are all used to this. Sam tossed me a beer. When did she get these?! She cracked one open herself as we leaned on the front of her Jeep.

She looked at me, "We have to chug it. It'll loosen up your nerves. You look great Kaileigh. You ready? 1...2...3...Go!"

We both instantly chugged our beers and crushed our cans, laughing. We tossed them into her Jeep which was easy since she didn't have the top on it currently.

"You ready?" Sam looked at me happily as I nodded my head.

She winked at me as she decided to slowly take off her tank top to mess with the humans. I looked around and saw guys just staring at her. It was hilarious!

I slipped off my tank top and shorts, tossing them into the Jeep while shaking my hair back. Sam just laughed with me as we looked around.

She turned to face me and slowly took off her shorts, doing a little sexy dance move as she stood back up. She tossed her shorts into the Jeep where the rest of our clothes were. Sam went to the back of the Jeep and got us two more beers. We cracked them open and headed towards the wolf pack on the sand.

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