Chapter 22

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It's been about a week or so since I came to Redwood Pack. Sam and I have become best friends and we spend basically every day together. I have actually met a lot of the other pack members as well. Despite the nightmares that haunt my dreams, I really am doing better.

My name is Kaileigh Woods now, Sam's last name. I asked why I had to change my last name and was told it was for my safety, and the pack's safety. I understood. Apparently Redwood shares their school with Dark Moon Pack, so they don't want just everyone out there knowing who I am. It would make it too easy for something to slip out to the Blood Rogues. Redwood trusted Dark an extent.

I haven't been to the pack's school yet. Alpha Braxton let me stay back for a bit to adjust to everything and have time to try to heal some of the wounds. I really appreciated him doing that for me. He seems like a truly great Alpha. I was informed that I will start classes on Monday, though. Both Alpha Braxton and Beta Max think that some normalcy in my life will help as I move forward.

It was currently Sunday night. Sam and I had spent the entire day shopping so I would have some clothes of my own to wear and my uniforms for school. Yay for uniforms...again. I rolled my eyes at myself. Just one more year.

I flumped down in my bed and stared around my newly decorated room. It was mainly whites and grays, with plants all around the room. I made it crisp and fresh, like my new life. I sighed as I laid back. I squished down into my covers and checked my new phone to make sure I had an alarm set for the morning.

I decided to put on some music to help me sleep as I flicked off my light. I just hope tomorrow goes okay.

* * *

I woke up, not to my alarm, but to Sam jumping up and down on my bed. I groaned,

"Sammmm whyyyyy????"

Sam just squealed and continued using me as a trampoline, "You go to school with me today!!!"

"Ugh, don't remind me."

"Now get your lazy a** out of bed and get ready!!!," Sam squealed as she pranced out of my room...yes, pranced. I groaned once more and pushed myself out of bed. If you can't tell, I am not a morning person.

I rushed into my bathroom and took a strawberry and rose scented shower and slipped on my uniform. I dried my hair and put on some light makeup before heading out to meet Sam.

*wolf whistle*

"Oww Oww, girl! Rocking that uniform!," Sam called out to me as I made it down the stairs. I just rolled my eyes and laughed at her.

"Come on, Sam. We are going to be late!"

Sam and I make it down to her Jeep and take off towards school.

"Hey, did you hear? The Alpha-to-bes come back on Friday! You finally get to see the man snack of Dark Moon...and Dylan haha not that Dylan is bad looking, but he's like an annoying brother to me so Uh weirdddd!" Sam laughed.

We pulled into the school parking lot, "Do I really have to go in?"

"Yes, Kaileigh. You'll be fine! Everyone is pretty nice and you slay in that uniform."

I rolled my eyes at Sam as we stepped out of the car and made our way towards the school. I got my schedule from the office and headed to class. Luckily, Sam and I had every class together except for fitness at the end of the day.

As the day progressed, I noticed some people had been giving me looks throughout the day. I assumed it was because they were wondering where I came from and/or who I was. Sam just told people I was her cousin who recently moved to the pack. Alpha Braxton hadn't decided yet on whether or not to let his pack know who I was, so Sam's explanation worked for now. I just hoped Alpha Braxton decided soon because this was all becoming quite confusing for me.

The day went by pretty smoothly. My classes were typical and the teachers seemed the same as every other one I've had. It was finally the last class of the day, fitness or gym for me. Fitness has always been one of my favorite classes since I've never been allowed to run with my wolf. It let me have a release for all that pent up energy.

I was walking out of the locker room in my gym uniform — way too small shorts and shirt. I swear, I might as well be wearing spandex and a crop top. I basically am wearing spandex. I blushed in embarrassment and tried to hide myself while walking, as I could feel the male wolves staring me down.

This small group of girls in the corner of the gym just scoffed at me. I instantly recognized them as the b*tches of the school. They looked like the classic popular girls who thought they were queen of everything and that every guy should drool at their feet.

I rolled my eyes and sat down alone on the bleachers, waiting for our teacher to come in. I was about to completely zone out when an older man came in and told us to go run laps outside for the day.

I was running my last lap when a body jumped on me from behind, "Oww! Check out my girl!"

"Oh my gosh Sam! Get off!," I laughed at her.

Sam jumped off of me, "Come on, Kaileigh! Time to go homeeee!"

Sam tossed me my bag as we started heading out from school, "Your uniform is in there already! Let's go!"

* * *

The next few days went by pretty much the same. It was pretty easy to catch up on my missed work since I had only missed a few weeks and was actually really smart. Even my night terrors were slowly going away. Sam and I managed to talk Alpha Braxton and her dad into letting me train, so I've been training after school everyday.

It's been hard work, but the warrior wolf who has been training me says I am learning really quickly. I'm determined to be able to protect myself and others in the future. I won't let myself be helpless or bullied or trapped ever again.

I stretched my sore arms as my alarm beeped in the background. At least today was Friday. I quickly got dressed and put on some light makeup again before meeting up with Sam downstairs. She tossed me a breakfast taco and we headed out the door.

"Hey, remember to cut out of gym early so we can go get our dresses for Dylan's welcome home party tonight and the annual Redwood and Dark Moon gathering on Sunday," Sam reminded me.

"Of course! Hopefully we don't have to do much today. I don't want to be all sweaty at the mall."

Sam and I joked as we entered into the school. Every girl was gossiping away and the b*tches from gym were all over something down the hall.

"What is going on?"

"Ohhhh, Little Greyson must be back early," Sam replied.

Sam and I continued walking, trying to get past the swooning girls. I took a glance down the hall, curious to see why Greyson seemed to be such a big deal to every girl.

What. The. Hell.!

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