Chapter 8

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Bleh. So gross. I want more cinnamon roll shots if they keep buying them.

A few more people have sung as its now nearing 10pm. We've all been chatting and listening to the people sing. It turns out that the guys are all 20-21 and go to college nearby. Megan avoided saying we were are about 17-18 and just continued flirting with Zach.

Adam leaned in towards me and smiled, "So, do you come here a lot? I don't think I've seen you here before. I'm pretty sure I would've remembered you."

He's nice and all, but I hope he's not fishing for a hook up. I just smile at him and reply, "It's my first time coming here. I just moved to the area this past week."

His eyes flicker mischievously, "Well then, you should let me show you around."

I laugh nervously, "Um, yeah maybe...Megan and Lily already have been some."

He just smirks and looks at me intensely, "I'm sure I could do better."

I went to reply when Megan suddenly jumped up excitedly. She quickly ran up to the stage and started singing some song about getting it on.

"Of course," I mutter to myself while chuckling and rolling my eyes. I can see Lily face-palming herself at Megan. John and Zach fist bump, probably because Zach is now assuming he's going to get to hook up with Megan. Stupid guys.

Megan finished her song as we all cheer and clap for her. She sashays over and sits down, "I need a drink!"

Adam gets up, "Round of drinks on me!"

He walks over to the bar followed by John. Megan is smiling up a storm as she twirls her chair towards me, "Your turn!"

I almost choke on the last remnants of my drink, "What?! No way!"

"Come onnnn, what if all us do one?," Megan suggests leaving a pale faced Lily in response.

"Ugh, I'm getting you both drunk so you will sing with me. Kaileighhhh, you can actually sing so pleaseee. Lily will if you do," she pleads.

Lily and I both sigh which, for some reason, Megan takes as a yes so she saunters over to the bar with Zach.

"I hate her sometimes," Lily states causing me to laugh, "but now we have to sing."

She looks at Bryan, "Do not ever mention what happens here tonight at school!"

Bryan just smiles, "Hmm...what do I get if I keep my mouth shut?"

I quickly interrupt them, "Lily will kiss you!"

Lily's jaw dropped as she turned beet red while looking between Bryan and me. Bryan wears a thinking face before flashing a smile towards Lily.


Lily gulps and just blushes at Bryan. He's still just smiling over at her. Can they just get together already?! I've been here two days and their tension is insane. How have they lasted this long?!

Megan comes skipping over with Zach in tow holding up a tray of shots. Oh no. Behind them are John and Adam, holding a plethora of different drinks for the table.

"She said she has to get you two drunk so we got the strongest drinks they suggested," John stated as he handed Lily and me some drinks. I just shot a glare at Megan.

We downed the shots and sipped on the drinks given to us. Strong was an understatement. Are they sure this isn't just straight alcohol?...with maybe a drop of flavoring.

Adam kept getting closer to me as the night progressed. I tried to shuffle further away, but I had a road block by the name of Megan. I started feeling the drinks hit me slowly. I was now probably in the tipsy state, whereas Lily was a little further gone.

It was a little past midnight when Bryan left to go find Luke and Zander. I pouted at that thought. I can't believe he just ditched us when we got inside. I should've expected as much. It made me feel hurt and angry that I ever thought of him differently than what he truly was, a player just out to get some.

We kept drinking. Lily and I were both starting to get uncomfortable with the unwanted advances being made by Adam and John, while Megan was just fawning over Zach. Adam suddenly put his hand on my thigh causing me to jump.

"I'd remove that hand if I were you," a dark husky voice stated that sent a shiver down my spine. A voice that could only belong to Zander.

"Who are you, man?," Adam sneered back.

"You're touching what's mine and I don't like it," Zander growled.

As much as I hated Adam touching me, Zander trying to show up like a knight in shining armor pissed me off. He can't just show up after ignoring me all night for some slutty girls. Then to claim I'm his?! Oh, he has another thing coming to say that right now.

I don't know if it was the situation or all the drinks getting to me, but I had had enough.

"Yours?! Since when am I yours?! I don't remember ever agreeing to that!," I barked back at him, "Just go back to your conquests over there. I wouldn't want to hinder you getting some girl into bed."

"Kaileigh..." Zander started to say.

Megan grabbed my arm along with Lily's and walked us away. She handed us each a shot and we took them all together. She lead us up on to stage and smiled at the crowd. All the movement was really making the drinks hit me.

Megan grabbed the mic, "These two lovely ladies wouldn't come here with me, so what did I do? I got them completely smashed and dragged them up!"

People started hooting and hollering in the crowd. The music started to fade in, the tune becoming recognizable to me.

'Don't Stop Believin' started to play as Megan thrust a mic into my hand. She ushered me to start singing first.

I gulped and started to sing.

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