Chapter 11

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Classes seemed to go by in a blur. Weekdays melted together into one mess of work. Megan and Lily were keeping me sane, while I kept more distance from Zander and avoided Tara and her minions. The only real time I spend with Zander lately is if we eat together. Lately, that's been happening more due to Lily and Bryan getting all lovey dovey with each other.

My past few weeks were spent studying, with my weekends being more relaxed. I still hung out with the girls; they were some of the best friends I've ever had, but I don't go out with them...only to movies and to eat. I really was going to miss them. I would miss everyone here in a way.

There's only a couple days left before the break and my exit from Cromwell Academy. It was bittersweet. I was sad that I was having to leave before the exit ceremony, so I was making sure to make plans with Megan and Lily one last time. The ceremony was Saturday afternoon, my departure being that morning, leaving Friday night for the girls. We were all going to hang out, watch movies, stuff our faces with junk, and play games in Megan's room after classes.

I was currently walking to the dining hall for dinner. Looking out at the woods as I walked, the breeze swaying the trees in a calming rhythm. Just before entering the doors I spotted a brunette being pushed against a column in the courtyard, sucking face with Zander. I rolled my eyes and entered the bright room.

It still pissed me off that Zander was a player. If he had been human it would've just been annoying, but he has a mate. A mate he is supposed to be looking for, but instead he's just making notches in his bedpost. He doesn't understand how lucky he is to be able to search for his mate. Hopefully he will change one day.

I sit down with my food next to Lily. She smiles while munching on her chicken. Megan is on the other side of the table, slurping up some noodles.

"Are you ready for tomorrow nigghhhhtttt?!," Megan elates.

I nod my head, swallowing my bite of salmon, "Yeah! What do you want me to bring?"

"Lily already got it all! Just bring your fine a** self and if want a blanket or anything," she goofs back.

We all laugh as we continue eating and chatting. Dinner soon ends and I make my way back to my room, avoiding the path I took earlier that caused me to be witness to Zander's little escapade. I was packing up everything I could tonight, leaving on the essentials for Saturday morning. Friday's classes were going to be more relaxed. Some were going to have food, while others would just consist of us gathering up all of our work. At least it would be an easy and nice last day of freedom.

* * *

I was outside running my last lap around the track with others in my fitness class. The sky started swirling with greys and blacks. The wind began to howl, bellowing as the leaves whirled around. Shortly, rain speckled the track, grower harsher with every passing minute.

People jogged back inside as the final bell rang out across the air. I could hear hollering and cheers echo throughout the academy as students celebrated being done. I smiled into the chilling air, drops glistening over my body, and walked back to grab my stuff from my gym locker. I kept my slowly drenching clothes on as I made me way hastily to my room.

After a sizzling shower, I threw on a comfy t-shirt and some short fuzzy shorts. I towel dried my hair and left it down while I grabbed my phone, sliding my ID in my phone case. Looking at the time, 5:12pm, before I skipped down to Megan's room.

Knock. Knock.

Megan opened the door to reveal Willy Wonka's magical land, well close to it. Candy, chocolates, chips, pizza, popcorn, drinks, etc. covered the floor. My jaw dropped when I saw how much there was.

We began chowing down as movies played in the background. Megan tried to impersonate anyone she could in the movies causing Lily to snort when laughing numerous times. We started playing some board games Megan had, including Life, as music blared around us. I'm actually surprised no one complained; everyone else must be celebrating too.

As we were making a tower of nachos, my phone beeped with a text from Damian. Megan saw the name and began dancing around with my phone.

"Oooo, Damiannnn," she sang out while prancing around.

"Damiannnnnnn," Lily joined in.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "He's a friend from back home."

"Is he hot?! Do you have a picture?," Megan gushed. Boy crazy woman.

I grabbed my phone and pulled up a photo I had of Damian. I didn't have many photos of him, but he let me take some.

"Omg, he's almost as hot as Zander!," Megan exclaimed.

"No wonder you don't throw yourself at Zander," Lily laughed out, "You have this at home."

"Oh ha ha. It's not like that. I've known him since I was ten."

They both just gave me a look like they didn't believe me. Megan scrolled to a photo of Damian and I together and just shoved it into my face.

"Mhmm...say that again. Look at how he's looking at you."

I studied the photo. Was I missing something? I played it off by throwing a marshmallow at Megan.

"Oh, it's on!," she yelled out as she grabbed food ammo to throw at me.

After cleaning up from our food wars, it was about 12am. We all decided to pack it in for the night since they had the ceremony tomorrow and I was leaving bright and early in the morning. I hugged them both goodbye and headed back towards my room.

The halls were only dimly lit now so I carefully made my way back. I was walking in my door when someone shoved inside my barely illuminated room with me, slamming my door in the process. A hand covered my mouth, preventing me from yelping as I heard the girls dorm headmaster searching for the intruder.

Finally giving up, she scoffed, "No boys in the girls' rooms!," before leaving the floor.

I looked up at the intruder, "What are you doing here?"

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