Chapter 44

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Hey loves! If you see older chapters being re-uploaded it's just me trying to start editing and fixing grammatical errors!

- xoxo

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Monday morning dawned, signifying the start of the plan. The warriors had already headed out, a cluster from both packs. When the scouts had returned yesterday, they passed on what was learned. With how the Blood Rouges seem to rotate their patrols, shortly after dawn seemed to be a perfect time to set the plan into motion.

The air was heavy, fog rolling through the trees, hindering lines of sight. A group of six scurried in through the rusty alleyway door, across from the diner. As they quietly shuffled through the passageway, the rest of the warriors were spreading out along the side of the border, just waiting in anticipation.

Waiting for a sign, a link, a signal.

Hushed movements consumed the entire force, stealth was the key. A speck of light glistened in front of the group in the passageway. A tracker moves forward, smelling for any presence at the exit. Nothing. Their eyes peeked through the small gap, searching for any sign of life. Once deemed clear, the group slowly opened the gap and stepped through into the closed office.

Two members instantly went to reinforce the door, barricade it temporarily while they got into position. A mind-link was sent once they were ready, a few glancing at each other warily about how quiet it truly was.

The wolves at the border marched forward once the link was received. Feet and paws crunched into the leaves and twigs, the only sound echoing through the dense fog. It was eerily quiet. No forest sounds, no sounds at all carried through the wind towards the incoming wolves.

A call to stop was sent through the pack link. Abruptly, every warrior outside halted. A message was ushered towards the wolves already inside. A message to enter the rest of the pack house for it was too quiet. The scents were beginning the stale and fade. Something was wrong.

The trackers and warriors inside hesitantly entered the pack house. Splitting up into two groups, one searched up the stairs while the other scoured the current floor and basement. There was nothing. There was no one here. It was deserted. The group came back together, stepping outside the doors of the pack house.

A foul stench wafted up their noses, blood, death, but old. Through the slowly dissipating fog there was a body dangling, a large stake shoved through the whole, mangled, deteriorating body. On it, was a note.

'We are not so easily caught. We knew you were coming. Looks like not every pack member agrees with the pack. Tell Kaileigh I'll see her shortly. Hope you can trust those watching her.
                            -The new Alpha'

Panic swept across the forest. There is a mole in the packs. A traitor.

* * *

(Kaileigh's POV)

Arms grasped around my shoulders, shaking me awake frantically. I groaned, but shot awake. It was Sam, fear in her eyes, "Kaileigh, get up. We have to go now! Something went wrong."

I quickly got up and dressed in what resembled workout gear, not knowing what was happening, "What do you mean,Sam?! What happened?"

Sam was rushing around, getting ready herself, "I don't know. My dad just said we needed to go. We are to stop by Alpha's office when we are ready."

We sprinted down, scampering into the Alpha's office. Alpha Braxton, Dylan, and Beta Max were already standing and pacing in front of us. Beta Max looked up at us, "Girls, the attack didn't go as planned. They somehow knew our plan."

Our jaws

"A wolf has betrayed us. There is a traitor amongst one of the packs. The warriors are on their way back now, but we are sending you girls somewhere safe until we figure this out," Alpha Braxton sat down heavily.

"Dad, why do we have to go?" Sam asked. They had upped our defenses and guards, so wouldn't we be safer here, not away?

Her father gave her a small smile; this was obviously hard on him, "A note was left behind.  The 'new Alpha' basically told us we have a mole and said he's coming for you, Kaileigh. Since their first attack used Sam as bait, we can assume she will be a target, as well."

Sam and I glanced at each other silently and nodded. I could tell she was nervous, scared, anxious...rightfully so. I just grabbed her hand in mine and held it tightly, letting her know she's not alone.

"Dylan is taking you girls to a safe place, a safe house we have away from here. It's still technically on our land, but no one knows it except for us," Alpha Braxton continued, gesturing to Dylan.

"What about Dark Moon?" I asked softly.

"Dark Moon only knows that you and Sam are going to be moved to a safe house, not the location. We may have an alliance with them, but that's information I will not divulge to anyone. We also don't know which pack has the mole, so, until we find the mole, your whereabouts will not be known. You girls will also leaves your phones here; I am not risking them being tracked," Alpha Braxton sighed.

"Girls, go get something to eat and gather up a small bag each with what you need, just no traceable electronics. Dylan will be doing the same and then you all will head out," Beta Max finished.

I was just finishing up packing my small duffel bag since none of us knew how long we would be stuck there, wherever there was. I glanced at my phone, grabbing it and heading into my bathroom, locking the door. I slid down onto the floor far away from the door and hit the call button.

"Hello?" The voice stated gruffly through the phone.

"Zander..." I meekly replied.

"What's wrong, little lamb?"

"They are sending Sam and I away. I-I won't be able to contact you. I don't even know where they're sending us."

I heard a groan through the phone, "Trust me, little wolf, I dislike this as much as you do. My father is furious that Braxton is withholding information."

"What if he finds me, Zander?" I sniffled out, my voice breaking.

"I won't let that happen-"

"You won't be there, Greyson! You can't say that..."

"Kaileigh....if something happens, I'll find you. If-If something happens, shift and howl three times. I know your sound, Kails, and I will come. No matter what," he said strongly.

A knock resounded on my door, my cue to leave. I sighed into the phone, "I have to go now, Zander. I'll miss you."

"Be safe, little lamb. Oh, and Happy early Birthday, love," he chuckled out before hanging up.

My face dropped. Tomorrow. Tomorrow was my birthday. Forgotten throughout this madness. The day I'm able to meet my mate...and I'll be stuck in the middle of nowhere, hiding.

Well, Happy f*cking Birthday to me.

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