Chapter 10

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I stepped out lightly, examining Zander sitting in bed watching something on the tv in front of it. I took in a deep breath and let it out as I gracefully, as gracefully as my drunken self would allow, walked over to the bed. Zander shot his attention towards me.

"Kaileigh, what are you doing?," he grunted out, fighting his wolf for control. The black glistened in his eyes like a storm, the lust burning inside.

I stumbled before I reached the bed and started to fall. Zander rushed over and caught me, pulling me up and holding me tight. His warmth enveloped me so I snuggled into the comforting feeling. He shivered at my actions, but quickly composed himself. He helped me to the bed and wrapped me up in the covers. He slid into his side and tried to focus back on the tv.

"You're going to be the death of me," he laughed out while running his fingers through his hair.

I pouted and rolled my eyes while laying under the silky sheets. Stupid wolf. At least with my wolf healing I won't have a hangover tomorrow. I huffed and snuggled further into the sheets, trying to keep warm. Zander laughed as he witnessed my turmoil and patted the space next to him.

"Come on," he stated warmly as he gestured for me to slither in next to him. I snuggled into him and held onto his waist. My heart was racing at just this act. I never even done this before. I don't know why I found such comfort in him. Maybe I am just naive.

I listened to his heart rate quicken some as I partially laid my leg over him and snuggled deeper into him. As I drifted off to sleep, I felt his arm go around me to rub my back and a kiss on my forehead.

"Get some rest, little lamb."

* * *

I woke up the next morning groggily, stretching and sitting up. I looked over and saw that Zander was gone. Over on the dresser was my bag that came with the dress I had worn last night. Now it possessed the clothes I had originally worn last night. I yanked the bag along as I entered the bathroom.

I took a quick shower and changed into my normal clothes while putting the black dress into the bag. I tossed my soaking hair up into a messy braid and walked out into the living room area. Luke, Bryan, and Zander were lounging on the couches, watching tv and eating. Lily was probably asleep nursing a hangover.

I grabbed my phone to see it was almost 12pm already. My screen was filled with missed calls and texts from Damian, as well as a message from Megan. I plopped down on a seat at the counter and grabbed an apple, opening up the text from Megan to reply.


Megan: Hey girly! When someone wakes up can you pick me up?


Me: Sorry, I just got up. Lily seems to be still passed out, but I can come get you.

I continued eating the apple while waiting for a reply. When no reply still came, I got up and grabbed some of the large breakfast the guys must've ordered. I gathered up some eggs, bacon, toast, and some milk. I was gobbling it down when Luke walked over.

"Morning sunshine, how are ya feeling?"

I swallowed my bite, "I'm good! Just hungry. Is Lily up yet?"

Luke chuckled as I shoveled bacon into my mouth, "Not yet. She was pretty gone last night. Won't be a pretty day for her."

My phone chimed.

Megan: Yes!! One of the guys has the address. Thank you!

Me: Okay, we will be there soon!

"Hey, can someone take me to pick up Megan?," I asked to the room.

Zander stood up and walked over with his keys in hand, "Let's go. Anyone else coming? I'm going back to the dorms after. Otherwise there's Lily's car."

"I'll keep Bryan company while we wait on Lily. You guys go on ahead," Luke replied, plopping back on the couch.

Zander started walking to the elevator, so I speedily grabbed all my stuff and followed him down to his car. We drove for a bit until pulling up to a frat looking house. Megan rushed down the steps and jumped into the backseat of the car.

About 20 minutes later we pulled up to the familiar stone building again. Zander tossed Megan a jacket to borrow so she'd look less like she's doing the walk of shame. We all got out and headed towards the dormitories.

Megan and I thanked Zander as we split off from him to go to the girls' side. I waved bye to Megan once we got to her door and hurried to my room, face planting on to my bed once I made it there.

I had changed into some comfy shorts and shirt and was forcing myself to do classwork when my phone dinged. I sighed in relief when I read the message. Lily was back to her room safely, probably sleeping once again.

I decided to use this distraction to see what Damian had messaged.

Saturday, 4:32pm

Damian: What's my little wolf up to on her first weekend away?

Saturday, 6:15pm

Damian: Busy?

Saturday, 9:47pm

Damian: K- Please let me know you're okay.

Saturday, 11:52pm

Damian: You're starting to worry me, little one.

Sunday, 2:16am

Damian: D*mmit Kaileigh answer me.

Sunday, 10:08am

Damian: If you don't reply today, I'm coming there for you.

I sighed and hit the button to call. Last thing I need is an angry wolf, an angry rogue, blowing down the doors of the school I just started.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Where have you been?," the deep voice asked from the other side of the phone, clearly upset.

"I'm sorry. I was just out with those friends I made, Megan and Lily. I didn't pay attention to my phone. We were just shopping, eating, and doing karaoke."

I left out any part that dealt with guys. No need to bring that up with him, especially when he's in this mood.

I heard him sigh, "You worried me, little wolf. I was about to drag you out of there."

I reassured him I was fine and we continued a normal conversation full of laughter. I finally got off the phone when I realized it was getting late and I still needed to eat and finish up my classwork.

Finally, done. I dropped onto my bed and curled the sheets around me. I turned off the lights and let my music play into the darkness.

Damian was right though. As much fun as this weekend was, I really shouldn't be chancing my safety. I only lucked out since there were no wolves and Zander was there. There's only a month left of classes here before I return home. I really shouldn't take any risk. I should just be grateful that my parents let me have a month of freedom.

I'm going to be careful from now on.

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