Chapter 9

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The song ended in applause.

Lily, Megan, and I quickly sat back down at the table. Megan was smiling the whole way, while Lily and I were just red from nerves. Everyone was quiet at first, with Zander missing once again.

"You can really sing!," John stated to my bewilderment.

"Oh, uh-h I guess. Th-thanks," I nervously, and drunkenly, replied.

Realization quickly hit me, "Lily, how are w-we getting home?"

Lily and Megan both went blank. No one had stayed sober to drive. We are idiots.

"Uh...I-I can't drivvveeee right now," Lily slurred.

"I can take you," Adam interrupted with a sly smile on his face.

I turn back to Lily, "I'm going to get some air."

I got up and made my way outside. I sat down on an empty bench just a little ways down the walk from the entrance. Just far enough to get some peace and quiet. I leaned back and looked at the night sky. It has always been a comfort of mine. The crisp night air chilled my body, but I stayed still, breathing in the refreshing breeze.

Clip. Clap. Clip. Clap.

A few blissful moments later I could hear steps coming my way. A figure sat beside me causing me to look. Adam.

He slid in close to me, our thighs touching. He turned in my direction and put his hand on my thigh starting to move it upwards. I jerked up and started to walk away. I decided to walk towards Lily's car and message or call Lily or Megan when I got there.

I was about to step into the parking lot when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up against a brick wall. I gasped and looked up at Adam.

"Where do you think you're going? You know you can't drive. Come on, let me take you home," he tried to coo into my ear as he leaned in close.

Everything was hazy from drinking. I couldn't think straight. I struggled to get out of his grasp, but he had me pinned. Adam kissed at my neck as a hand ran down the side of my waist to my thigh. He started to run his hand back up my inner thigh, pulling my dress up, as his other hand was moving towards my chest.

I squirmed relentlessly, trying to shove him off.

"Get off-f of me," I yelled.

"Calm down baby girl. I've got you. All I'm going to show you is pleasure," he whispered as he pulled back and grabbed my arm to make me follow.

He pushed me up against his car, rubbing his disgusting hands over me. My head was getting fuzzier from all the rapid movement. He unlocked his car and opened the passenger door. He started trying to get me into the car as I kept struggling. He yanked my hair back and grabbed my a**.

"Get in the d*mn car, Kaileigh," he snarled, "or I'll take you right here for all the world to see."

I whimpered and stopped struggling. I was about to slide into Adam's car when I was yanked backwards. I scurried to keep standing and not fall over as I watched a punch being flown at Adam.

"Leave!!," Zander roared.

He turned around, pissed, and grabbed me. He pulled me along to his car. I saw Lily, Bryan, Luke, and some random chick holding on to him. I looked around for Megan with no luck.

"She went off with that Zach guy. She went willingly," Zander shot a look at me.

"He gave us his number and address in case we need to get her tomorrow, and she has her phone," Bryan stated.

Zander sighed, "We are going to my family's hotel room near here. They are too sloshed and Luke is never sneaking her in; she's too loud. Bryan, can you take them in Lily's car? Just follow me."

Bryan nodded as Lily stumbled, handing him her keys. They all started walking towards her car, so I followed along until Zander stopped me.

"You're coming with me, little lamb."

He ushered me over to his vehicle and we quickly got in. He turned it on and reved the engine causing my to roll my eyes. He just laughed at my response. Once we saw Lily's car, Zander took off towards the hotel.

"You're lucky I saved you, lamb. I told you you needed protection."

I scoffed at him, "I could've managed."

He glared at me, "Kaileigh, this isn't a joke."

I sighed in defeat, "I know; I'm sorry. Thanks. I just-just want to forget about it."

He sighed and grabbed my hand, rubbing it for comfort.

We soon pulled into a fancy hotel parking lot. We all followed him inside and up an elevator to the top floor. The doors opened to a giant apartment-like suite. His family is Alphas, of course he's rich beyond belief.

"So, there's only three rooms. People can share or there's couches," Zander stated as he then showed Luke a room to use and Lily another room.

Lily and Bryan decided to share a room, as Luke hurried in with his "date" to their room. Zander walked back over to me and gestured me towards the last bedroom. We walked in to a grand room, elegant and modern. I sat on the bed while he disappeared behind a door which I am assuming is the bathroom.

Minutes later he comes out wearing only his boxers, "I hope this is okay. I hate sleeping in my clothes."

I gulp as I take him all in. I knew he was hot before, but...there's no words. He must've seen the lust in my eyes because his flickered black as he looked at me.


I shot up, shaking my head in the process, "Sorry! You're-re just..."

"I can smell your arousal, little lamb."

I gulped and dashed into the bathroom. I could hear him laugh as I shut the door. I took a few deep breaths before I decided to take off this tight dress to sleep. If he could sleep in his boxers, then I could sleep in my undergarments too. I was slipped off my dress, leaving me in black lace undergarments. I held my dress as I peeked out the door.

Well, here goes nothing.

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