Chapter 37

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Shoutout to lilish123 and but_did_i_ask_ for all of the votes! Thank you so much!

- xoxo

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(Damian's POV)

It was now October.

Kaileigh's 18th birthday was next week, October 10th. I had to get her before then...she had to be mine before then. I couldn't risk her finding her mate. I couldn't risk her being marked. No one else can have. She's mine alone.

"Are the preparations done?" I asked aggressively to the warrior wolves surrounding the room.

"Yes, sir!"

"Yes! We finalized the best route to follow to the school," one said as he pulled out a map of the pack grounds and laid it on the wooden table in front of us, "If we follow this path laid out, it should take us no time at all to reach the side of the school where their track is."

"...Based on our intel, that's where every fitness class is held, so we wait for Sam's time and get her alone," another piped in.

"Sir, we have come up with several different ideas in order to get her alone if the need arises," a fourth added.

"Very good. Thank you all for such diligent work. Now go celebrate for we will have the white wolf after this!" I exclaimed.

Cheers erupted as the wolves scattered out of the room. I sighed, knocking back the drink in my hand. Down the hatch. I huffed out of the room and made my way up the White Crest pack house, or should I say the Blood Rogues pack house now. It was faint, but her scent still lingered here. I opened the door and made my way into the blackened room, flipping the lights on as I sauntered in.

Kaileigh's room. I took over Kaileigh's room after we had attacked. Anything to have her scent around me. Everything stayed the same, minus the addition of my clothes and gear. I couldn't bring myself to remove a single trace of her in here. I grabbed a picture frame off of her dresser and just looked at it. My Kaileigh. I growled, slamming the photo back down.

That night did not go to plan. I had snapped after seeing Axel. I knew he was going to force the marking upon her. I couldn't let that happen. I just couldn't. I got the Alpha to agree to an abrupt attack. He knew they had weak defenses. He was more than happy to attack. That wasn't my original plan though. I wanted to just take her and not hurt anyone...well maybe still hurt Axel. It was his fault it led to an attack. She wouldn't have lost anyone otherwise.

I growled and tossed my body onto the bed. This time, it would be different. This time we had a plan.

We attacked this week.

Our first mission was to be small. This was our chance to get her quietly, without reducing to a full blown attack. We wanted to be stealthy, not messy, this time. The plan was to go after the school. Since the school building was located in between the two packs, it wasn't directly by either packs' pack house which meant no immediate reinforcements. It also meant we could get there undetected or as close as possible. We would use the trees to block our forms and try to cover our scent however we could. If only witches were still around; getting a witch to hide our scents would've been incredible.

Alpha assumes that Kaileigh will be closely watched when out, so we were going after the other Woods wolf- Sam, I think. He was somehow able to find out when Sam Woods had an outside class, so that's when we would go after her. The forest surrounds the school, so getting her while she was out in the open would be the easiest plan of action.

Our strategy was to go after Sam, alone outside, in order to draw Kaileigh out. After everything at White Crest, I don't see her letting the closest thing she has to family now slip away. My little wolf would do anything not to lose anyone else. She couldn't bear it.

Four wolves would go in and draw her out, while I waited for her in the woods. The wolves going with me knew to use any means necessary, but to keep Kaileigh alive. Either by force or using Sam, she would be brought to me. Then she would be mine. Forever.

Every night...every d*mn night, I dreamed of her. Her underneath me. Digging into me. Staring into my soul. Begging to be mine.

I growled. Tonight would be no different. How will I take you tonight, kitten?

I flicked off the lights and shut my eyes...just waiting for her to invade my thoughts once again.

*more mature scene in book 'Eros'*

...I wake up panting. When will these dreams become reality? I sigh as I think of her.

This plan will work. I will have you, Kaileigh.

It has to work. Has to.

I looked at my phone; it was 3am on Monday. I smirked at the day.

On Thursday, you will be mine Kaileigh.

Three more days.

Three more.

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