Chapter 55

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Well, I thought about ending it at the last chapter, but decided to add in a tad bit more. I'm also planning on putting in a short epilogue of how they are in the future!

- xoxo

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(Kaileigh's POV)

When we returned to the pack territories, chaos was ensuing. Tensions were high as both packs awaited the news of what occurred.

Pack doctors from Dark Moon were rushing about, tending to the injured, as wolves were searching for their mates that had gone to battle. Cries could be heard for those lost as cheers erupted alongside them for the victory and defeat of the Blood Rogues.

I scanned the ever growing crowd, looking for familiar eyes. Amber eyes locked with mine as a high pitched squeal piercing everyone's ears. A wave of curly, brunette locks came bouncing towards me, a huge grin plastered onto her face.

I was tackled into a hug by Sam, laughing as we almost toppled over. Huge arms braced me, preventing us from stumbling. I looked up, smiling at Zander, my mate.

Sam gasped in surprise, sniffing me and looking between the two of us. She jumped up and down gleefully, "You two! No way!!! I knew it!"

As Sam was dancing around at her newfound discovery, Beta Max and Elaine had walked over. They smiled at me and each gave me a hug, whispering words of love and happiness. Max puffed up his chest, trying to look bulkier, and gave a pointer glare at Zander, "You better treat her right. If she comes to me crying because you've hurt her, there will be hell to pay. Future Alpha or not."

Sam and her mother burst into laughter at Max's attempt of intimidation to Zander. I gave him a sweet smile as Zander wrapped his arms around me, "I wouldn't dream of hurting her."

Max broke out into a huge smile and pulled Zander into a friendly man hug, welcoming him to the family. Elaine gave him a hug as well, followed by Sam.

The crowd was dispersing as Zander's father, Alpha Greyson, approached us with Alpha Braxton in tow, "I believe a congratulations is in order, son. I am beyond glad that you have found your mate, and a good one at that."

Alpha Braxton looked conflicted at first, but then gave me a huge smile and hugged me, "Kaileigh, my dear, I'm glad you have found your mate. I wish the circumstances had been better. Treat her well, Greyson."

"I will," Zander replied.

"Well then, we have matters to discuss. Please follow me to the office," Alpha Braxton stated as he turned and headed towards the pack house.

As we were all walking I slid next to Sam, whispering in her ear, "What about Dylan?"

Sam gave me a worried look, but remained quiet. I was left to ponder where he was, if anyone besides us knew, and what was going to happen with him. I gulped in the unknown.

* * *

The first hour of us being corralled into Alpha Braxton's office was mainly full of Zander and Alpha Greyson telling of the battle with the Blood Rouges. The had gone into detail in the rouges' tactics, strengths, and weaknesses in case the information became needed in the future. As they were talking about how they got the warriors there, I couldn't hold my tongue any longer, "How did you know where to find me?"

"Greyson followed the suspected mole and was lead to you," Alpha Greyson replied.

"You mean Dylan?"

All eyes shot to me. Well, I guess no one expected me to know, "Why do you say that, Kaileigh?" Alpha Braxton questioned.

"Uh-," I shot a quick glance at Sam, seeing her face pale, "Well, I-we saw him there. He was arguing with Damian about their deal. I guess Damian was backing out if his side of the deal."

Zander growled at every mention of Damian while Alpha Braxton shifted his gaze onto Sam's cowering figure, "Sam? Is this true? I thought Dylan had found you while scouting the area for clues."

Sam gulped, "It is true, Alpha. D-Dylan threatened me if I told anyone, so I was scared to say. I was going to talk once I knew Kaileigh was safe."

Alpha Braxton sighed heavily, "Well then, it looks like all the stories have added up. I owe you an apology, Greyson, for doubting your words even when you had gone to the effort of consulting with the elders first."

"No harm done, Braxton. I knew it wouldn't go over well since your son was the one being accused," Alpha Greyson replied, courteously.

"So, where is Dylan?" Zander asked.

Alpha Braxton closed his eyes while putting his head on his hands, leaning onto the large wooden desk in front of his sitting figure. Moments later the office door opened, two guards entered, yanking along Dylan who was shackled in silver.

Dylan was furious, resisting the guards. He glanced around the room, his stare burning into me. When he noticed Zander's hold on me, he growled. He shot a glare towards his father, "Let. Me. Go. You know you can't trust what the Greysons say!"

Alpha Braxton stood up abruptly, "Enough! Greyson isn't your only accuser."

Dylan's eyes widened, "Lies! They were drugged. I went in and tried to negotiate, but he only let Sam go! If I was the mole, why would I have brought her back!"

I growled at him, "Because you threatened her, Dylan! How dare you say we are lying," I stood up and got in his face, poking his chest, "You are the one that drugged us. You are the one that gave us to the rouges. You are the one that betrayed your pack, your own father. You are the one that struck a deal with Damian. You are the one that did it so that you could force me to be yours. All for power."

Zander pulled me back down next to him, rubbing my arms in comfort while growling lowly at Dylan. Alpha Braxton sighed as Dylan kept snarling.

"Son, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Dylan looked at his father, "It should all be mine. She should be mine. Goddess took my mate before I even met her and now she does this! I'm Alpha of Redwood! White Crest and Kaileigh should be mine!"

Alpha Braxton growled at his son, "YOU are not Alpha, son. I am. And I raised you better than this."

He sat back down in his desk, taking a deep sigh, "You leave me no choice, son. Though it pains me to do this, I must."

Alpha Braxton looked straight at Dylan with golden black eyes, "I, Alpha Braxton of the Redwood Pack, hereby strip Dylan Braxton of his Alpha title and future position," Dylan growled as his father commanded with the Alpha voice, "Furthermore, he shall be banished from the Redwood Pack and labeled a rouge."

Dylan tried to leap at his father with claws extended, "Father! I'll get you for this, even if it's the last thing I'll do!"

Beta Max, Zander, and Alpha Greyson all left with the guards, seeing to that Dylan goes without a fight. Sam crying, was escorted out by her mother, leaving me alone with Alpha Braxton. His head remained in his hands, silent. I walked over to him and put my hand on his back. He glanced up at me, eyes brimming with tears. He cleared his throat and shook his head, trying to push back the tears, "What can I do for you, Kaileigh?"

I hugged him tightly, showing my condolences and understanding. He chuckled slightly and returned my hug. Alpha Braxton stood up, leading me to the kitchen. He stood by the island in the kitchen and sighed, "My mate is not going to like this."

My eyes widened. I completely forgot that Luna  Charlotte, Alpha Braxton's mate and Dylan's mother, had no clue what just occurred. She had been away again, visiting her recovering sister once more. I guess Alpha Braxton saw my expression and thought it was amusing because he began laughing, "Do not worry, Kaileigh, she will understand. She'll know it wasn't an easy decision, but the right one. Now, let's eat!"

I laughed with Alpha Braxton as he attempted to cook, leaving me to take over and avenge the poor food.

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