Chapter 35

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Hey guys! Sorry, only one chapter today! I'm currently working on Chapter 41, so I could only get one posted. Trying to stay ahead of posts so you all don't have to wait forever for updates!

            - xoxo

                                     ~ * ~

I swear the pack house of Dark Moon is more like a mansion or a castle. You basically have to walk up two stories just to get to the front door. Alpha Greyson really likes to make an impression apparently.

Why did I wear stilettos?!

Sam and I looked at each other and sighed. We both thought the same thing as we all began our trip to the main entrance.

3 hours later....haha, just kidding! It really seemed like it though.

We finally entered through the doors and my jaw dropped. It was gorgeous! They live here all the time?!

"Come on girls, this way," Beta Max laughed at us as he led us to another set of massive doors.

"Through here is the ballroom," he stated as some guards opened up the doors.

It was breathtaking! A grand balcony went around the whole room looking down over the ballroom below. Massive marble stairs led the way down as king-like chandeliers graced the mural covered ceiling. The ceiling reminded me of the Sistine Chapel. On the far side, the walls were opened up onto a garden with a tremendous fountain in the middle. Music echoed throughout the ballroom as wolves danced and socialized across the room.

Sam and I were so mesmerized by our surroundings that we hadn't even noticed that her parents had already walked halfway down the stairs. Her mother looked back up at us, "Sam. Kaileigh. Are you coming?"

We straightened ourselves up and started walking down the stairs. We looked up when we got halfway down to meet up with her parents and noticed that everyone was watching us. I looked at Sam who looked like even she was feeling overwhelmed as we finished our descent down the stairs and into the party.

Sam's father looked at us, "We should go give our respects to the Alphas before enjoying ourselves."

Sam and I just nodded and followed her father over to the side where both Alpha Braxton and Alpha Greyson were talking, along with Dylan and Zander. They still didn't look like they were completely over whatever happened at the meeting yesterday.

"Alpha Braxton," Max stated as he gave a slight bow.

"Alpha Greyson," he followed the same suit, "the place looks wonderful. Thank you for having us."

Both of the Alphas nodded and smiled.

"Thank you Max. It is our pleasure to host the ball this year," Alpha Greyson stated before directing his gaze to me.

I still had my head partially looking down, but I could feel his gaze. I guess Max noticed his gaze and spoke up, "Oh, yes! I had forgotten that you two haven't met yet. Alpha Greyson, this is Kaileigh...Kaileigh, Alpha Greyson."

Alpha Greyson stuck out his hand, so I followed suit. He brought my hand up and kissed the top of it. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Alpha Greyson," I said shyly.

He smiled, "The pleasure is all mine, Kaileigh. My son has spoken highly of you."

I directed my gaze over to Zander who was turning red and scratching his head nervously.

Sam laughed, "Wow, I didn't know Greyson could turn so red! He's almost the color of your dress, Kaileigh!"

I just smiled at him as he smiled back, Dylan still scowling at him.

"Good evening, Zander," I stated happily.

"You let her call you Zander? Wow, he hasn't let anyone call him that in years!" Alpha Greyson laughed.

At that moment, Ryan had come walking up to Sam. I just rolled my eyes watching their awkward interaction. Max, Elaine, Alpha Braxton, and Alpha Greyson had walked towards the refreshments in order to continue some conversation privately, so it had left Dylan, Zander, and me watching Sam and Ryan acting like fools.

Ryan was stumbling over his words for ages, as Sam stood there blushing furiously. I heard a new song start, so I nudged Sam forward into Ryan.

"Hey Ryan, why don't you and Sam go dance? She's been talking about wanting to dance allllll day," I smirked out.

Sam darted a look at me as Ryan turned red, "Do you want to, Sam?"

Her whole face lit up as she said yes and they headed out to the dance floor. I turned back to see Dylan and Zander still scowling at each other.

"If you two are going to be like this all night, I'm not dealing with either one of you. I'll go find some other wolf to dance with," I uttered, frustrated.

They just looked at me, "Don't do that," they both growled out.

I just rolled my eyes. They have more in common than they think.

Then the silence returned...again.

"Gah, play Rock Paper Scissors or something! I'm being serious. I actually want to dance for once and I will go find someone else if the two of you don't, I don't know, grow the f*ck up!"

"I like it when you're feisty," Zander purred.

Dylan growled in the background. Zander just rolled his eyes at him.

I was about to walk away from the both of them when Elaine, Sam's mom, walked up.

"Dylan, sweetie, your father would like to speak with you for a moment," she stated sweetly.

Dylan's gaze directed back at me.

"I'm sure Kaileigh will be here when you get back," she said.

He still looked torn, so I decided to mind-link him now that I could.

Dylan, go. Don't make your father upset. You can find me when you are done.

He showed a shocked expression briefly.

You can mind-link me?

Your father did the initiation today, so yeah.

I don't want you alone with Greyson.

Dylan, I'll be fine. Now, go before your father comes over here angrily.

Dylan turned and followed Elaine to his father, leaving me alone with Zander. Zander smirked at me as he took a step closer to me, "I never did get a chance to tell you how good you look tonight."

"You really think I look okay? Sam wouldn't let me change my dress."

He ran his thumb along my cheek, "You look beautiful, little lamb. I could ravage you right now."

I blushed fiercely, probably becoming redder than the dress that graced my body. Zander smiled, "Now, how about that dance you wanted?"

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