Chapter 54

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A battle cry of howls rang through the land as the ground rumbled ferociously. Shouts and growls pierced through the silence, beckoning for blood. Nature cried, rain shooting like daggers into the earth below. The now marshy field would soon be drenched in death.

Claws dug into the soft grass with every movement as boots sunk in with every step. Wet fur blended together as bodies collided on the battlefield. Snarls echoing.

Swords clashed relentlessly, the loud clanking piercing as metal screeched against metal. The air, once full of pine and fresh rain, was now metallic and vile. A scarlet red blanket covered the earth, pulling in victims with every blow.

Thunder clashed as the battle ensued. The trees blazed, the fire flickering in the eyes of the fighters. The flames surrounding them, trapping them to their demise, mocking the weeping heavens.

Silver and black molded in the middle of the battle. Crimson dripping down their vicious forms. A turbulent breeze encompassed as they clashed. Fangs ripped as claws scraped, death being the only escape.

Hushed whimpers and yelps fluttered into the call of the wind. Time seemed frozen as numbers dwindled. Black and silver fought as a scarlet river ran beneath them. Pain bathed the land, death relishing in it.

A simple slip downed the wolf, the other towering above. A fierce growl shook through the battle causing everything to halt. The stillness harsh as claws dug into the fallen. The large, towering being sunk the wolf further into the sea of scarlet. Silver bites hushed the war sounds, black now motionless on the floor.

Howls of victory erupted, breaking through the silence. Whimpers resounded as bodies littered the crimson earth, survivors bowing in submission to the victors.

Silver turned to beige as the champion dawned blue coverings. The figure conversed with another before sprinting through the scarlet fields, eyes focused past the submitting army.

It is over.

Feet pounded through the soggy grass, treading over the wooden floor. Senses alert, the man bounded up the stairway, following the intoxicating scent. Like amber and lavender, the scent tugged at his soul, calling for him desperately.

A tall figure stood between him and the source. A growl threatened the guarding figure, it bowing in submission in response. The golden orb turned, the scent enveloping him and suffocating his senses. He rushed towards the petite form hiding in the corner of the minimal room.

* * *

Her eyes downcast as she waited for the end. Her training worthless as the wolf's bane weakened her soul. All she could was wait in silence, only listening the cries and howls of the outside world.

Her nose cringed as the metallic air smothered her, gagging at the horrid taste. The small woman sat in the corner, arms over ears, trying to drown out the sounds of death that echoed around her.

Time slowly ticked away as smoke mixed with the metallic wind. Her eyes darted through the glass, seeing trees turn to ash, engulfed in flames. Heart pounding, the girl hummed to herself in defeat. The outcome of this massacre would decide her future, as well as the future of the world.

So, she waited.

Sheltered from the ongoings of what laid outside.

Her ears perked when creaks could be heard from below, heavy steps pounded towards her. Booming and deciding her fate. She shut her eyes and rested her head on her knees as she pressed herself further into the corner, a habit she had learned here.

A growl pierced through the stillness, slicing through the stuffy air. Shuffles could be heard at her doorway as silhouettes danced in the bottom crack. The dull and weathered gold doorknob began to twist as a small smell wafted into her nose.

Mahogany teakwood and flannel lulled her to calmness. Her heart flittering as something in her called out to the potent aroma. The flimsy door flew open as a towering presence stormed into the room.

Eyes locked. Green on blue. Emerald gazed into sapphire, entrancing her. Clarity consumed her as she smiled up to the source of the scent. Cerulean gray flashed relief before they turned to anger.

The girl winced in pain as her collar burned in pain. The towering figure rushed to her side and dipped down to her level. His bloodied hands held her face, forcing her to look at him. A weak smile graced her face as tears formed in her sparkling eyes.

His eyes flickered between hers and the mark of betrayal that poisoned her neck. She quietly nodded as she closed her eyes. What was once blue was now black mercury as his canines elongated.

He inhaled her scent as he purred in satisfaction, puncturing his fangs into the raw skin in the nook of her neck. A soft whimper escaped her lips as his teeth dug into her flesh deeply. He growled as he held them there, savoring in her taste.

A shiver ran through them both as sparks erupted. Pain became pleasure as he licked up the crimson streams on her collar. His face nuzzled into her neck, he kissed softly.

Strong, cut up, arms wrapped around her small figure, holding her close. He pulled back and looked at his little mate, pure happiness radiating through his eyes.

Her eyes roamed over him, frowning at his bloody, injured state. She reached her hand out, lightly tracing around his wounds. Her mate grabbed her hand and kissed her forehead, growling softly as he lightly pushed her head into his neck.

She pulled back, looking up at him. She glanced at his collar before gazing back into his hypnotizing blue grey eyes. He simply smiled at her and nodded. The girl leaned up on her knees, eyes flashing black as her canines grew.

He pulled her flush against him, purring in delight. She licked the spot, sparks tingling at the contact. Taking in a deep breath, she bit down hard. Her fangs penetrated his muscular form, a wave of pleasure rolling through them. Her mate growled at the feeling of oneness that now engulfed them.

After licking the mark clean, she pulled back and glanced up at him. He smiled down at her, cupping her face and kissing her passionately.

He stoop up tall, picking her up bridal style in the process. He smirked at her as they made their way out of the cottage style house, "I always knew you were mine, little lamb."

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