Chapter 14

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Due to the words of my father, I got up and stormed out of his office. I couldn't take it anymore. I knew I had an obligation to my pack, but I couldn't believe what he was asking me to do!

I ran until I came to the small lake that I always met up with Damian at. I just let myself fall to the ground and cry. These last few days had been nothing but confusion and pain.

I sat by my tree at the lake for what seemed like hours before I decided that I should probably head back. I would have to face it one way or another; I just wish I wasn't all alone while facing it.

While sulking back to the pack house, I decided to message Damian and ask him if he could meet me around midnight that night. I really needed a friend to talk to, but I didn't know if I should tell him about Zander or not. Damian could be insanely protective and possessive.

I finally made it back to the pack house to see wolves rushing about, carrying things back and forth. What was going on?

I walked inside, greeted by my mother.

"Kaileigh Collins! You should not have stormed off! I understand it's overwhelming, but it's happening one way or another...just accept it sweetheart. I know it can be was for me at first, but I understood my place and now your father and I love each other more than ever," my mom spoke.

"I know mom. What's going on?"

"Oh, well we are having a small party for your return.......and for announcing your betrothed."

"Wait. What? You are already announcing it? But...but..."

"No buts, Kaileigh. It is tradition. Now go upstairs and get an actual dress!" My mother stated as she shooed me towards the stairs.

I gradually made up to my room on the fourth floor when I spotted Axel leaning beside my door. I just scoffed as I walked towards my door, and him.

"What are you doing here Axel?"

His eyes shot up. His grey eyes studied mine intently as he scanned me up and down.

"Look here Kaileigh, you're mine now. The whole pack will know it tonight. I don't deal well with sass, so don't pull it on me. I don't care if you're supposed to still look for your mate in the pack; you are MINE," Axel shot out.

"Pshh...please," I rolled my eyes, "You only care because you want the Alpha title. You could care less about me."

He stood up straight and just chuckled, "At first, yeah you're right. But then I got see you up close; I like power, but I want you. You would be a great toy to have. And I always get what I want."

"Dream. On. You only get me if I don't find my mate and I will make sure I find him! You can't mark me unless he isn't here!" I scolded back.

His lips formed a tight smile, "I will mark you when I want to. Your father can't do anything about me then, because then I would be an Alpha too, and your mate. He wouldn't banish your mate so watch yourself Kaileigh. I fully intend on waiting until the ceremony, but if you keep stepping out of line..."

He brushed my hair off my neck and rubbed his thumb where my mate's mark would lie, "...then I may have to claim you sooner. Dear little daddy will just have to accept it."

I scowled at him as he just flashed me a mischievous grin and winked as he walked off. I stormed into my room and slammed the door. What an ass! How could the moon goddess allow me to be stuck with him?!

I sucked up my frustration and ran to change into a dress my mother would approve of for the party. I quickly added on some makeup and curled my hair slightly. I was slipping on my heels when my door creaked open to reveal my mother.

"Oh honey! You look great! I'm sure Axel will approve!" My mother remarked as I rolled my eyes.

"Why him mom? Can't you and dad pick someone else?!"

"Why dear? He's passed all of your father's expectations," My mother questioned.

"Because he's an arrogant and obnoxious wolf! He is way too into himself and sees me as some...some possession! He doesn't care for me, he just sees me as a prize!"

My mother just sighed, "Kaileigh dear, he may not make the best first impressions, but he has impressed your father and me. He has helped take care of the pack for a while now. We still believe, if you would just give him a chance, that you two will get along. Just give him some time...he's used to having to be tough and loud to keep his command and authority. Maybe you can get him to soften up..."

My mother smiled and grabbed my hand, "...Now come along, the party has already started."

We made are way downstairs and outside to the party. It looked as if the whole pack was here. My father was standing on a small stage and called for my mother and I to join him.

"Thank you all for joining us this evening! As you know, our daughter has returned from her time abroad. We are so happy that she is back!"

My father looked around the crowd, "As you know, tradition must be upheld. In the chance that my daughter does not find her mate within the pack, a wolf is selected by the Alpha and Luna to become her mate. Besides welcoming our daughter back, the other reason we have gathered everyone together is to announce our chosen wolf."

The crowd hushed as they all anticipated who would be announced as their possible future Alpha.

"Would Axel Williams please join me on stage?"

Axel sauntered up on stage with an annoying smirk as he winked in my direction, "Axel, after much deliberation, Luna and I have decided that you will be the wolf selected to become betrothed to our daughter in the chance that her mate is not found."

The crowd cheered and clapped, as some muttered and rolled their eyes. I agreed with those few. Axel graciously thanked my father and came over to stand by me.

"Now, please. If any of you happen to be my daughter's mate, then don't be discouraged and think that I do not believe you would be a good Alpha. I am sure you will far exceed my expectations, but our choice wasn't on merit alone, but also on who doesn't have the possibility of having a mate out there. As the pack sadly knows, Axel's mate passed away after a rogue attack when she was wandering outside the pack borders. Axel has managed to pick himself up from this tragedy and has shown great strength and leadership. It is because of this that we have selected him for our daughter. Now, enjoy the party everyone," my father explained as he walked over to us.

"Kaileigh, don't pout. Why don't you and Axel go dance or enjoy yourselves? Get to know each other a bit," my father protested.

I rolled my eyes as Axel took my hand and led me towards the crowd. People were watching the interaction, with Axel lowly growling at any male who even looked in my direction.

"How am I going to find my mate if you growl at anyone who even looks at me?" I scoff at him.

Axel turned back to me, "You don't need your mate. They shouldn't be looking at you; you're MINE. They shouldn't look at what's mine."

"You know as future Luna, a lot of people will be looking at me," I sassed back.

He just groaned, "They can look after you bear my mark."

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