Chapter 46

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"Really, Sam?" I giggled.

Sam nodded, making her 'I'm seriously thinking' face. She turned to me again, "So, what will it be? Truth or dare?"

"Uh- truth," I muttered.

"No funnn....fine! Who was your first kiss?"

Oh no. I'm going to kill her. She knows it was Zander; she's just trying to irk Dylan in her buzzed state, "Umm, just some guy in my old school."

Sam rolled her eyes at me as Dylan grumbled, "What's his name?" Sam asked.

I shook my head at her, "Nope, not that it even matters, but that's two questions," I stuck my tongue out. She groaned but complied, "Dylan? Truth or dare?"

He sighed once more, looking straight into my eyes, "Dare."

Sam rushed over and whispered in my ear causing us to both laugh. I looked back at Dylan with a smirk, "Put an ice cube in your pants and allow it to melt."

Dylan just raised his eyebrows quizzically, "No thanks. I don't need literal blue balls right now."

Sam pouted and leaned in, "You know what that means then...chug away, blue balls!"

Dylan laughed and downed his drink. By the time he has set his glass down, Sam was already pouring him a refill.

"Holy sh*t what did you put in that?! It's horrible!" Dylan spewed out while making a disgusted face.

Sam just started humming, "That's the pointtttt. Don't want to drink it, then do the dareeee or say the truth!"

"Well then, little Sammy bear, truth or dare?" Dylan asked wickedly.


I leaned into Dylan, telling him what he should ask. He smirked in reply, turning to Sam and flashing a huge grin, "So, do you like Ryan- as in, do you want Ryan to be your mate?"

Sam glared at me playfully before becoming shy and nervous, "Y-yeah, I do. If he'll accept me, that is."

I smiled at Sam and hugged her, "He'd be crazy not to. Plus, I'm pretty sure he feels the same way."

"He does ask about you often enough that it's annoying," Dylan chuckled out.

Sam squealed in happiness as we continued our game. As the night got later, the game got sillier. By the time we called an end to the game, Sam had made out with the stuffed moose head hanging on the cabin wall, Dylan had to pretend to be a horse while Sam rode on his back going 'yee-haw' and whipping her arm around, I had to lick Sam, and I had to dance around Dylan as if I was giving him a lap dance. Sam, getting more and more drunk, kept making the truth questions dirtier as we went, so everyone ended up drinking for most of them, or saying dare instead.

I was exiting the bathroom into the small bedroom, slightly stumbling, when I ran into Dylan. "Oops....sorry," I muttered while he was just softly laughing. He had his hands on my shoulders, bracing me, being close enough that our bodies were slightly touching.

He moved one of his hands up to my face, tilting my chin up to look at him. He smiled down at me while I just blushed from nervousness and alcohol consumption. Everything was slightly hazy, fuzzy almost. Dylan leaned down and kissed me softly. He looked into my bewildered eyes, backing me up into the bathroom door I had just shut, kissing me again, harsher this time. He gripped my head while encircling my waist with his other arm, pulling me closer to him.

At first, I hadn't responded to his efforts, his kisses, but my resolve weakened in my drunken stupor and I had soon begun kissing back. He wanted to further the kiss, demanding entrance, but I denied. Dylan growled in response, "Don't deny me, love."

I shook my head, clearing my hazy thoughts rapidly and began to push space between us. Panting from lack of breath, I looked up at him, "Dylan...I can't. An-and what about Sam?"

He growled, but stepped back, "She passed out in the couch."

I swiftly, but not smoothly, got around him and went to check on Sam. She groaned, slightly asleep and slightly awake still, "How- why do humans like this?!"

I laughed at her and helped her sit up better. I rushed and grabbed us glasses of water, bringing some pain meds to help with the future headaches. As we took the medicine, Dylan walked out and entered the kitchen. He sat down by us and handed us the bananas he had grabbed from the kitchen, "Here, eat these. I need to give you a bigger dose of the injection this time since we will be sleeping through when the next dose would be due."

Sam and I both grumbled, but ate the bananas and took the deathly shots. After trying to adjust to the new intensity of the shot, the higher dosage, mixed with the already muddy state I was in, I stumbled into the bedroom and crashed onto the bed with Sam crashing down next to me. Dylan, earlier, stated that he would give us the bed and crash out on the couch, so he just shut the door for us and flicked off the lights. Sam and I curled up in the sheets and let the darkness take us.

* * *

My eyes shot open, alert. Without moving a muscle, I glanced around my black surroundings. There was nothing there, Sam still sleeping soundly next to me.

I sat up slowly, listening for anything- whatever had caused me to jolt awake. When I couldn't place anything, I tried to settle back down, claiming it was just the gravity of the situation getting to me. I nestled back into the sheets, closing my eyes once more.


I sat up again, distinctly having heard a rustling sound. An unnatural rustling sound. Not one of a nocturnal animal scampering about, but one that was calculated. One trying to be as discreet as possible. I gingerly shook Sam awake, telling her to keep quiet as I got up and tiptoed over to the window that graced the bedroom wall. I stood to the side, hidden from the window's view, and carefully pulled open the curtain slightly.

I silently and slowly looked out the window, into the night woods. Inwardly cursing my weakness since it was hindering me from seeing clearly in the dark, I strained myself, trying to see if anything was there. Still nothing.

I finally gave up trying to see; my vision being reduced to that of a human wasn't helping at all. Sam quietly shifted out of bed and we shuffled over to the bedroom door. We froze. We looked at each other with wide eyes, both having heard what sounded like heavy footsteps outside the door. We couldn't tell if they were inside or on the small porch that surrounded the front of the cabin, but we could hear them clearly now.

I made my way back to my bag and hurriedly pulled out two small, silver laced knives, handing one to Sam. I had hide these in my bag just in case the situation arose that called for them. Sam started to creak the door open, both of us praying that it didn't squeak or make any audible noise to give us away. Carefully, we stepped through the door.

The place was pitch black; I couldn't see a thing. The only thing I could notice was that the front door was wide open, the moonlight trickling onto the wooden floor. I tried to step over to where the couches were, but winced when something sharp stabbed into my bare foot. I was going to try for a second time when Sam grabbed my arm, stopping me.

She nudged her head towards the front door, trying to mouth 'listen' to me. I stepped back towards her and stood in silence. Faint, hushed whispers could be heard coming from past the open front door. We quietly treaded over towards the front door, trying to make out what was being said.

Sam pressed herself up against the wall by the front door with me next to her. She was completely focused on the murmurs we could hear, causing me to try to glance around outside, looking for the source.

I gripped Sam's arm tightly, pure terror filling my soul, a creaking noise had sounded nearby...except, it came from behind us.

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