Chapter 50

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(Kaileigh's POV)

Sam and I are pushed into a bedroom opposite of Damian's by the same brute guard that brought me here last time. He slams the door shut behind us, chuckling to himself. The scarred man stomps over to us and roughly removed our shackles. I rubbed my raw, red wrists while glaring at the man. They treated us like criminals when we were just victims.

Mr. Scarface glared at us causing Sam to tremble in fear. I put my arms around her and pulled her tightly to me, snarling at the man for breaking my strong best friend. The guard just scoffed at me.

"Go clean up! There's clothes in the bathroom. Don't dawdle!" He barked.

He forcefully plopped down onto the bed as we scurried into the adjoining bathroom. I quickly shut the door and locked it since he left the key, unlike Damian. I shivered at the thought. We've been here two...three days, I think. I really have no idea exactly since most of our time is spent in the dark abyss of the prison cells. All I can tell is that it's once again night out, the sky sprinkled with stars had graced our journey to the house.

Damian keeps sporadically calling for me. Every time goes relatively the same. An endless loop of actions and emotions. Every time his warmth almost drowns me. I don't understand it. My mind isn't going 'Mate!,' but it questions it.


That's all that plays through my mind when I'm with him. With each passing moment with him, though, it seems like the question mark is slowly disappearing from the thought. Instead of it being a question, it will eventually become a statement. It terrifies me.

I pushed the thought away. I try to push him away, but it's like I'm frozen. Frozen in the warmth.

"Kails?" Sam pulled me from my thoughts. I've whispered to her a little about it all and she's just as confused. It doesn't sound like what she heard about mates either, but for all we know those stories were exaggerated. Her her broke for me when she thought of Damian ending up being my true mate.

"Kails? Hey, Kails....remember what I said? The Moon Goddess would never be so cruel, so wicked to do that. You'll be okay. Well get out of this," Sam murmured softly to me as she turned on the shower.

I gave her a soft smile. I would've broken if it hadn't been for her and her words, "You shower first, Sam. I'll do my stuff out here and then we can switch."

She nodded as she steps into the shower, shutting the frosted glass door behind her. I chuckled to myself when I heard her humming while I brushed my teeth and pulled aside the clothes I'll wear. We quickly changed places and got dressed in our attire. Jeans and fitted shirts, nothing special, but a step up from large shirts and shorts.

We stepped into the bedroom, the harsh guard standing up at our presence. He shoved the cuffs back on us and pushed us out until we arrived back in Damian's office. He shoved us down onto the loveseat under the window and stood flush against the wall perpendicular to us. His blackened eyes hazed over momentarily and soon the office door swung open.

Damian stepped in quickly with a smirk on his face, "Hello, love," he purred at me, "I decided to be especially nice and let you two have a little 'family reunion' today!"

Sam and I both just looked at him, flabbergasted. He chuckled and sat down behind his desk, "Oh, I do believe you are in for quite a shock when you see what's in store."

Silence fell after that, the office door still open slightly. A brief moment later we heard loud, quickened walking on gravel and a voice echo powerfully towards the room, "Damian! The conversation wasn't over. We had a deal!"

I looked over at Sam who looked beyond surprised. That voice was familiar. Why couldn't I place it though?

A faint scent wafted into the room as a door, most likely the front door, slammed open, causing my brow to furrow. I knew this smell. My eyes widened when it hit me. The was from Redwood Pack. I cursed under my breath when I realized that the hint was too faint for me to catch any more than that.

Whoever was the mole, the one that gave the attack away, was here. And heading our way.

The sound of the footsteps grew louder signifying the closeness of the mysterious wolf. My heart was pounding. My mouth was dry. Who would betray us?

The voice spoke of a deal. What deal was made? What could Damian give or promise? I was nervous, but my body was becoming overwhelmed with anger and hurt. The traitor will pay.

I held back a snarl as I felt the weak excuse of a wolf draw ever nearer. I shot my glance to Damian. He was lounging back in his chair, arms crossed behind his floppy haired head, feet resting on top of his now clean desk, a mischievous smirk played across his face.

He looked over at me with a quick wink, "As you can hear, he is no prisoner. You two can actually thank him for your current predicament. It is his doing that led you two to be in my hands," he quickly glanced through the slightly opened doorway, "Don't you just love reunions."

The door swung the rest of the way open, "G*dd*mitt, Damian! Give me what you promised!!"

The voice growled as he stepped past the wooden door that blocked him from our view.



Not him.

Sam bursted into angry tears as she stared at him. His tall, muscular figure jerked into our unnoticed direction. His indigo eyes widened as his rich brown hair hung to one side. His mouth turned into a furious sneer as he turned back to Damian, "You!!!!"

Our guard kicked himself off of the wall and took one step towards the Redwood Pack traitor, growling threateningly.

Utter silence followed from the three men. Only Sam's sobs filled the small room. Finally she stopped, looking up at him through tear-filled eyes, "Why?"

No response.

"Why, Dylan, why?!" She finally barked out.

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