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Normally they're back by this time.

I sat at my desk in my office, looking out the window for any sign of Red's car. It was five-thirty in the evening and I was hoping that Presley's delay was only mere Portland traffic.

Stop it, Nathan. Stop worrying, you'll turn into your father.

I pushed away my paperwork and rose from my seat. I started my walk towards my sister's room. It was in times like these that my little sister knew just the right words to say. She kept me from doing anything too drastic, she grounded me. The difference now was that she wasn't the only one anymore. There was a certain hazel-eyed boy that took up that position more consistently now.

I knocked on Haley's door with two sharp raps. No answer. I knocked again, and still no answer.

Is she deaf?

"I'm coming in, Hales," I announced. "You better have clothes on."

I swung open the door and immediately wished to gouge my eyes out. Alvin was on top of my sister, kissing her with eagerness. My sister seemed to be enjoying herself. They were still clothed, but it wasn't any less of an ugly sight.

Alvin turned his attention towards the doorframe where I stood, his eyes widened and he hastily fell off the bed.


Haley screamed. "Ever heard of knocking?," her cheeks were flushed.

I crossed my arms. "Is this a fucking joke?"

Alvin slowly rose from the floor with his arms held up in surrender. "I wasn't hurting her, I prom-," he began.

I shook my head. "Stop talking. You sound like an idiot."

After silence took over the room for a moment longer, I added with a smile. "I know you wouldn't hurt her, Al." That made him look to Ally with a surprised grin. I took a step further. "But if you ever do...," I trailed off, erasing my smile.

Alvin sucked in a breath. "Never would dream of it, boss."

Haley groaned and threw her head back onto her pillows. "Get out, Nate."

Before I could speak, Alvin interrupted.

"I almost forgot," he said, wide eyed. "Tyler told me to tell you he wanted you in the computer room."

Looks like the conversation with Haley would have to wait.

Before I departed, I locked eyes with both of them. "Don't sneak around like thirteen year old little kids, yeah? I don't like secrets."

They looked at each other in shock, but before they could say any more, I shut the door.

Kids, that's what they were. That's what they should be. I guess they were still kids, but they were kids with guns and knives.

I didn't bother knocking before entering the computer room. Red, Tyler and Kyle had pale faces, looking like they saw a ghost. When they turned to look at me, Red gulped, Tyler scratched his head and Kyle pursed his lips.

"What's with the faces?," I asked, an awful feeling starting to creep into me. "What's wrong?"

Then it hit me.


I stood in front of Red and gathered all the calmness I could find from within me.

One. Two. Three.

"Where is my healer, Gregory?," I spoke low. Red gulped again at the sound of his real name.

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