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"We don't need to invest it in another bulletproof car," I explained. "We already have enough of those, it would make sense to give half the money towards the small businesses."

My father scoffed. "What do you think this is, boy? It's sure as hell not a damn charity."

I clenched my fists from under the conference table. It was the afternoon, and one day after the gang race. My father and I sat in a meeting with the most valuable Creeds members to determine what we should do with our prize money.

I refuted the nerve to flip the conference table. "It's not a charity if we're getting something in return," I elaborated. My father was only interested in things that benefitted him in the quickest time, that's where he was going wrong. He didn't like to play the waiting game, but sometimes you needed to.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "And what exactly would we be getting in return?"

"If we invest in them, we'd negotiate to get half their sales, it'd be a never ending supply of money, no matter what," I said, turning to the rest of the table. "In return, they'd get protection plus the money we'd be giving them. It's not a bad bargain."

My father seemed to consider this for a moment. "But what if they go out of business?," he pressed, not entirely convinced of the idea.

I shook my head. "We wouldn't be investing in just one. We'd be investing in around fifty to start, then we build from there. They can't all go out of business at the same time."

"I think it's a great idea," Ally spoke up. "I'm surprised we haven't done it before."

My father gave her a disinterested glance, Ally maintained her posture.

"I agree," Kyle put in, sending a discreet smile towards Ally. "Ally and I can do the negotiations."

My father laughed. "And why would I allow that?"

"If you send Kyle and I, we'll seem too intimidating, we'll scare them out of the deal. But they can see Ally as someone they can trust, a delicate figure to confide in. It's as simple as that," I stated.

The room was quiet while my father darted his eyes from Ally, Kyle and I, then he released a breath. "I'm not going to argue with you. I want Kyle and Ally going to thirty of the small business in the next three weeks, but speaking of delicate figures to confide in," he turned his attention to me. "I want you and our little healer boy to go to the other twenty businesses."

I diverted my gaze from him to the window of the conference room. "He doesn't have any experience in negotiations, he won't be any help, Haley can do it with me instead."

My father waved a dismissive hand in the air. "Your sister has a temper like no other, she wouldn't be fit for the job. And I have her teaching the little ones about combat already, so no."

"How is Presley fit for the job then?," I asked incredulously.

My dad shrugged. "He's not, but he looks submissive, just like our dear Ally. Isn't that the case you were making just now? That they would see Ally as a delicate figure to confide in? Now that I think about it, it's a good plan," he grinned.

I didn't bother to argue with him anymore. A feeling of dread washed over me as I realized that I couldn't put a safe distance in between Presley and I for the next three weeks.

Last night, I had made the biggest mistake of my life, which was give into a temptation that could destroy me, but most importantly, Presley. I didn't want to let him in like that, I didn't want him. I didn't want him to think that I could offer him more than what he signed up for, because I couldn't, and I wouldn't. He was apart of my gang and nothing more, I couldn't jeopardize the gang, nor could I jeopardize him.

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