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Unease rolled over me as the clock neared six-thirty. The sun was starting to go down and Bruce and Ryder hadn't come back with the healer yet. I mentally cursed myself for not going to fetch him myself. The job would've been done much more efficiently.

"Would you stop worrying? You look like dad," Hayley said with a roll of her eyes.

"Go make yourself useful in the armory. Alvin told me he needed your help teaching the little ones about knife 101," I said, gesturing toward the door of the cellar.

"He told you he needed my help?," she asked, eyes glittering.

The truth was, Alvin didn't actually tell me that he needed my sisters help but I didn't want her here when the healer came. I needed to focus.

I nodded. "Yeah, but you better hurry, Hales, I heard Kenna asked him first but he was waiting for you instead," I said with a slight shrug.

Another lie.

She gasped. "Kenna asked him? But she's horrible at knives. No, I guess I'll go before the kids accidentally stab themselves in the eye," she said with a shake of her head.

Before she left, she turned around and met my eyes. "I looked at the healers' file, even though you and dad told me not to," she started.

"Haley, I-."

"No, Nathan listen to me. I know you tease me for being soft, but just show a little compassion for that healer boy. I don't know his name but he...he lost his mom just like we did-," she said tentatively.

"Go, now. This isn't a game, Haley. We've all lost someone. Like I said before, I'll do whatever the hell I have to do to keep this gang alive. To keep you alive."

She peered at me with a downcast expression but nodded anyway. When she left, I closed my eyes for a brief moment. I didn't get any sleep last night, neither did Kyle or Ally. We spent the chief of the night interrogating Tyler about his involvement with the K Blades. He said that he was blackmailed into doing it, that he didn't want to disclose anything about the Creeds but that when initiation came, he would have to. I didn't buy it. Tyler would say anything with a gun pointed at his head.

My father said that he could be useful in the future so we kept him alive. If it was up to me, he'd be already buried into the ground for being a traitor to the family that gave him food to eat and a bed to crash on when he didn't have anything at all.

I blew out a breath and checked the clock again. It was nearly seven in the evening, the sun had already gone down. Just as I was about to exit the cellar and hunt down Bruce and Ryder, they burst through the metal door hauling a smaller person with them.

The small figure was trembling wildly, I could hear sniffling coming from beneath the black linen sack that was thrown over his head.

"You're late. Why?," I demanded.

"We had to wait for the right time, Nate. This kid can run, believe it or not," Ryder said, landing the boy down none too gently onto the cold cellar floor.

"Yeah, he was running through neighborhoods like it was fucking Christmas morning or something," Bruce said, bewilderment in his voice.

"Why would you chase him through neighborhoods? That's too suspicious, someone could have recognized you-."

"We weren't the ones chasing him through neighborhoods, the kid was already running," Ryder said, with an odd glance toward the trembling form on the floor.

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