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I didn't startle when Ross tapped me on the shoulder. I almost expected him to seek me out throughout the day.

It was the afternoon and I sat on a bench in front of the school, waiting for Nathan. Ross sat next to me. As I looked at the way he smiled at me, I hoped that Tyler didn't find anything on Ross. I hoped that he wasn't who Nathan thought he was.

"Presley...," Ross trailed off, looking uncertain.

"Yes?," I whispered.

"I just need to get this out. Will you listen?," he asked.

I nodded. "Of course."

He took a deep breath, then spoke again. "I'm sorry if I've ever been too...pushy. I'm sorry if I've ever made you uncomfortable, okay?," Ross said. "It's not my intention, I just haven't been myself recently."

I wasn't expecting that.

"Don't worry about it," I smiled softly. "You haven't done anything wrong."

"Yes, I have," he sighed. "I kissed you without your permission. And after that, I kept pushing the idea of a relationship on you. It wasn't right."

He sounded so sincere. He was being sincere. I found myself giving his hand a quick squeeze. "You want to be forgiven?," I asked. "Is that what you want?"

He turned his attention towards the floor, "I don't know, Presley. It just seemed like I should tell you that."

"You feel better?," I asked.

He turned to me with his pearly white smile and laughed. "Yeah, I think I do."

I giggled along with him.

I saw Nathan's black Jeep pull into the parking lot I and quickly scrambled to grab my bag.

"I have to go," I told Ross. "See you tomorrow?"

Ross winked. "Of course."

It shouldn't have made me blush, but it did.

Once I found my way to the car, I hopped in. The scent inside was purely Nathan. Pinewood and gunfire.

"Still best buddies with the enemy I see," he muttered.

I poked him. He faced me.

"Don't poke me," he warned.

"Don't be jealous, I'm still your friend too," I said quietly.

Nathan scoffed. "I'm not jealous of him. I don't get jealous."

I giggled. "Everyone does, even me."

His lips went up in a boyish smirk. "I know you do."

My cheeks burned red and I turned away from him. "I wasn't jealous of that girl at the party."

He started the engine. "I didn't say you were. You said that."

I whirled on him. "I said no such thing."

Nathan pulled out of the parking lot and soon we were speeding away from the school.

"Nathan?," I asked, fiddling with a stray strand on my jeans.

He looked over at me briefly then refocused on the road. "Yeah, kid?"

I hated how he still called me 'kid', I wasn't even that much younger than him. If I mentioned it though, he'd insist on it even more.

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