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When I woke Monday morning, it had been five days since I had become a member of the Creeds. I dreaded escaping the warmness of my blankets but I knew it was time to get up.

Nursing an entire gang back to health was surprisingly harder than I originally anticipated, and it left me exhausted. That's why when my feet hit the cold wood floor, I instantly recoiled into the warm sheets and almost dozed back to sleep.

With a sigh, I heaved myself up from the bed and trudged my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and splashed icy water onto my face to officially wake me up. When I exited the bathroom, I rummaged through the drawers in my bedroom for something to wear. Finally I settled on a dark green sweatshirt and a pair of jeans.

I grabbed my backpack from the chair at the small desk that was placed near the window and popped a mint in my mouth, then left the room. There was no one in the hallway when I exited my room, in fact, I doubted there were many people on this floor, it was always so quiet. Perfect for me.

I couldn't help but smile at the freedom that I felt being away from Robert. It was like there was an immense weight lifted off my shoulders. School didn't have to be my only safe place anymore. Sure, the gang was dangerous but at least I was praised for the things that I could offer here instead of constantly being told that I was worthless.

And here, they give me warm meals and don't throw beer bottles at me.

When I entered the dining hall, I smelled the deliciousness of morning breakfast. With a smile, I grabbed a plate of fresh fruit, pancakes, and scrambled eggs.

"Presley!," Haley called from one of the seats of the dining hall. "We saved a seat for you," she said grinning.

She sat with Red, Ally and Alvin. They all chattered around her loudly.

"I heard I'm taking you to school today, kid," Red said, flashing me a grin once I sat down.

My brows knitted together in confusion. "I thought Nathan was taking me."

Red waved me off. "You know how Nathan is, he's a busy guy. He asked me to take you, guess that makes me his right hand man," Red said with pride.

Alvin scoffed. "I'm his right hand man, okay? He asks me to do a lot of things for him, things that you guys don't even know about," Alvin said, crossing his arms.

Red burst out laughing. "You're not even allowed to have a gun yet, Al! How can you be his right hand man with a silly little blade?," he said, giving Alvin a smug expression.

Alvin looked affronted and the two launched into an argument about who was Nathan's real right hand man.

Haley and Ally rolled their eyes. I chuckled quietly, watching the scene unfold.

"Guys!," Ally interrupted. Alvin and Red turned to her expectantly. "Neither of you are his right hand man. It's most definitely Kyle."

Haley nodded in agreement. The two boys looked at each other with blank faces then nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right," Alvin said, huffing out a defeated breath.

"I'm definitely his left hand man though," Red whispered to me, eyeing Alvin smugly.

I giggled and returned to my breakfast. The rest of the conversation around the table was about the upcoming race. Apparently it was a big deal. According to Alvin, the gang race took place every six months and the gang who won, took home huge amounts of money. The real prize though, according to Red was the victory. Apparently, whichever gang won, held some kind of superiority.

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