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It was late at night, too late. I was cleaning my weapons. I cleaned them often, the cleaner the weapon, the more precise the shot was. It didn't matter if it was a blade or a pistol, I preferred them clean.

I was skeptical at the knock I heard at my door. No one should have been awake at this time.

Only the guards on duty outside the facility.

I swung open the door and prepared to reach for my weapon but I halted my action once I glanced down at the small figure in front of me.


He was holding a large orange envelope in his hand and he looked a little wary. I peeked my head out my doorframe and looked left to right, examining the dark hallway. Then I pulled Presley inside my room, shutting the door behind him.

"What are you doing up this late?," I asked, voice hushed.

He pouted slightly. "You don't want to see me," he said quietly. It wasn't a question.

I scoffed and sat down on my bed, returning to cleaning my weapons. "I always want to see you," I stated, winking at him.

He let out a little noise. I didn't know what it was, but I had to retrain myself from drowning him in kisses.

"Come here," I demanded softly. "Sit with me."

He let out a shaky breath and obeyed. His leg was touching mine.

"What's this?," I asked, pointing to the envelope in his hand.

Presley's lips turned up in a tiny smile. "It's my...acceptance letter."

I pushed my weapons aside and took the envelope from him gently. "Acceptance where, kid?"

He looked at the envelope in my hands with conflict in his features. "The University of Portland."

Portland. Here. My chest felt lighter.

I pulled him onto my lap. He gave a tiny gasp and looked at me shyly. "Last time I checked, getting into college was a big fucking deal, what's with the gloom, love?"

That name always got a reaction from him. It was priceless.

His cheeks showed a glorious little blush. "You-you're not mad?," he asked softly.

I scrunched my eyebrows together. "Why would I be mad that the brightest kid in the world with the biggest heart got a chance to do something that's going to make him happy? That's ridiculous, Presley. I thought you were smart," I gave his hand a squeeze.

He giggled slightly, then shook his head. "I just thought...," he paused. "I just thought you'd be mad because my first priority is supposed to be the gang-."

"Are you going to leave?"

He looked me in my eyes. "No."

Stop being selfish, Nathan.

I took a moment to answer him, running my hands up and down his sides. "I would let you leave. If you wanted to. If you didn't want the burden of this gang anymore, you could be free, Presley."

His hazel eyes filled with tears as he shook his head. "But I don't want that, Nathan. I- I want to be here. I want to be here because I feel safe, it's- it's my home just as much as it is yours."

His home. His home was my home.

I wiped his tears. "Don't cry. I don't like it when you cry."

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