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The smell of gun powder filled the air and I couldn't have felt more free.

Kyle and I were firing rounds in the shooting range, sharpening our aim for the next mission. No matter how many meetings I was roped into by my dad, it was still important for me to maintain firearm practice.

"Alvin is convinced that little Presley is from a witch coven," Kyle smirked, reloading his gun.

"He might be," I said, firing two bullets straight into the bullseye of the target. "But it wouldn't matter even if he was an alien, he's doing his job like he's supposed to."

Kyle fired three bullets then turned to me. "Did Kevin tell you what he heard about the K Blades?," he asked, setting down his firearm.

I paused from the aim I had on the target. I turned to Kyle, feeling my blood boil.

One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

"No," I struggled to keep my fists from clenching.

Kyle sat down on the bench with a huff. "Thought so. He's just been acting...weird. I don't know, maybe he's just lovesick or something."

I shot three bullets at the target. "Tell me what he said about the K Blades." First, I needed to get answers about the external threat, then we could settle the matter of a possible internal threat.

"Kev told me that he heard some talk about the K Blades having some kind of mass orientation. They initiated twenty new kids all at once, apparently. That's against the rules isn't it?," he asked, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Twenty kids at once? He said that number exactly?," I asked, trying to keep the disbelief from my voice.

"He told me that's what he heard," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

I set down my firearm and crossed my arms. "Yeah, it is against the rules. It goes against the treaty but I doubt they follow that anymore."

Initiating ten or more people into a gang at once was against the treaty that all gangs in the area signed. This rule kept a gang from growing in numbers too rapidly. The K Blades were well aware of that.

I rubbed a hand against my neck. "Why the hell do they need that many kids?," I asked, more to myself than Kyle.

"Exactly what I asked. Kevin said he didn't know." Kyle responded.

"Do you know where he heard this from?," I asked.

Kyle opened his mouth to speak but then closed it. He scratched his head. "Huh. Now that you mention it, he didn't actually tell me where he heard it."

"Who else did he tell?," I asked. Anger was starting to rise up in me. If Kevin was blabbering about something that the bosses didn't know, our gang looked unstable, not unified. That could be dangerous.

"When he told me, the only other person there was Ben. We were rewiring the engines," Kyle explained.

I nodded, my mouth set in a grim line. "Do you know where he is?"

Kyle shook his head. "Want me to help you find him?," he asked, getting up from the bench.

"No, I'll find him myself," I said, heading towards the door. Before I could leave I turned back to Kyle. "Thanks, Ky."

He grinned. "You're the boss, whatever I know, you know," he said with a silly salute.

I shook my head and closed the door behind me. I wasn't technically his boss yet. My father was. When my dad eventually felt like leaving the gang in my hands, then I would officially be the boss. Haley was younger than me so she was out of the question.

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