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"I don't know," I seethed. "No one has a proper description of these people."

My father looked towards the aging man next to him. He was the landlord for the garages we found Ally and Alvin in. He was not happy to hear that our gang had picked his locks, but my father payed him to buy his silence.

The three of us sat in my father's office. He was interrogating me on a subject I tragically knew nothing about. If I did know who those people were, I wouldn't be sitting here, I'd be assembling a team for an assassination.

"Mr. Grain," my father spoke to the man. "Are you sure no one rented out your property for the day?"

The elderly man shook his head. "If they did, they didn't pay for it. There's no record."

You're a big help, Mr. Grain.

My father grunted and motioned his hand towards the door. "You're free to leave, Mr. Grain. Thank you for your help."

Mr. Grain rose enthusiastically from his chair, eager to leave. He casted a wary glance in my direction before he scurried out of the office door.

He'd probably never met real gang members before.

"Nathan," my father spoke stiffly. "Why the hell would you keep this from me? I'm not just your father, I'm your boss, boy."

It took me a long moment to answer him. If I was being honest, I didn't tell him because I wanted to prove I was ready to take on the Creeds. I wanted to prove to him that the Creeds no longer needed his outdated mindset. I wanted to prove that I could keep this gang above water without him.

That didn't work out too great.

"I messed up," I admitted. "I know that. What are we going to do to fix it?"

He pursed his lips and cleared his throat. "This is very serious, Nathan."

I scoffed. "Don't you think I know that?," I stood from the chair I sat in. "There's only one type of gang who would do this. I think you know who I'm talking about."

My father took a sip of his nearby liquor and shook his head. "We can't blame everything on the Blades, son. We don't have proof."

"But you admit your suspicious," I rivaled.

He nodded silently and motioned for me to sit back in my chair. I obeyed. "We can't go waging a war, son, not without proof, the treaty would be broken," he said.

When I become leader of the Creeds, that treaty is going to be revised by at least ten different lawyers.

"To hell with the treaty," I spat. "They broke it first."

My father rubbed his temples. "Nathan Pierce, my son, there are things that you just don't know. Be calm."

Things that I don't know?

"Enlighten me, father," I growled. "What am I missing?"

My father gritted his teeth, opening his mouth to answer, but his phone rang. He picked up the phone.

"This is Pierce," my father answered, sounding stressed. He swatted his hand in my direction. He wanted me to leave.

I gave him an infuriated expression but he shot me a warning look. I grunted and left his office.

I guess it was up to me to get to the bottom of this.

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