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Raymond glared at me from across the table. I maintained my impassive composure, knowing that would irritate him to no end. He gritted his teeth and looked away, getting no reaction from me.

My father, Raymond's father, Greg's father and Harlen—the leader of the Watts—were discussing the renewal of the gang rules. The gang rules were renewed every three years to insure that the policies were up to date. It helped maintain order, just how it was supposed to be.

Each gang leader was allowed to bring two gang members to the meetings, except if you were the hosting gang, if you were the one hosting then you were allowed to bring four.

Tonight's meeting caught me by surprise, which didn't happen often. I wish I would've had time to consult with my dad about substituting Kevin for Ally at the table. Ally always had a level head, but even if I tried to persuade my dad, he would repeat what he always said to me: that girls weren't meant to have a place at the gang table.

Some of my father's ideas were stubborn and outdated. When I was leader of the Creeds, I would run things an entirely different way and there was nothing he would do to stop me.

Kyle nudged me harshly, grabbing my attention. I looked up hastily and saw that my father's face was contorted in anger while Raymond's father, Tristin, mirrored the same expression.

"Do something," Kyle hushed hurriedly. "They're arguing about car selection for the gang race."

The car selection for the gang race was where each racer got to pick their car before they raced. A racer could never bring their own car to race with. This rule kept the sabotage to a minimum. If someone from another gang wanted to tamper with another racer's car, they'd have to tamper with all of them just to make sure. Nobody was that stupid, at least not so far.

"You picked first last time, Tristin," my dad growled.

"Don't be a child," Tristin said.

"I'm being a child-," My dad began angrily.

"I say the Tyrants pick first this year," I interjected with ease.

Greg's head shot up and he grinned. His dad, Neil gave an approving look.

"The Watts can pick after. It's only fair," I shrugged.

Kevin studied me peculiarly then focused his attention in front of him.

"That just leaves us," Raymond said challengingly.

The room was silent, awaiting the next sound.

"Coin toss?," Red offered.

All heads turned to him and Red smirked. He pulled out a coin from his pocket and set it on the table where everyone could view it.

"Tails," I announced without much thought.

"Heads," Raymond said, sounding anxious.

Red raised the coin and flipped it in the air. When it landed on the back of his hand, I didn't bother looking. Raymond didn't know that I practiced racing with every single type of engine and model type there was. It didn't matter if I lost the coin toss, because in the end, I would win.

Raymond shot me a smug expression when the coin landed on heads. My dad shot me an angry look but I
brushed it off.

"It's settled then," Tristian announced, his spirits seemed to be lifted. "The Creeds will be last."


The next morning, news traveled fast. The whole gang knew that we would be picking last. Some didn't seem happy. If I could care less, I would.

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