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My crew and I sat around a polished circular table discussing tonight's mission. As always, Alvin was spewing a nonsense plan that would surely get us killed. He loved the rush of a risky plan, and if I was being honest, so did I, but tonight was different. There was no room for mistakes tonight.

"Your plan is shit, Alvin," I said, keeping my voice even. "We can't just storm in there like we're the fucking United States army."

"I'm with Nate on this one," Ally said, blue eyes trained on the map of the facility in the center of the table. " Red, Iris, and Lance are in the infirmary with bad wounds, we don't have enough man power right now to storm the K Blades on their home base."

"Well," Haley started, propping her legs up on the table. " Storming them could give us the element of surprise. They'd never expect us to pluck Tyler from right under their noses right in the middle of his initiation. Think about it, if we just start shooting at everything and anything, they'll be thrown off by the chaos and not notice that we just kidnapped their most elite hacker."

"Now that is a plan," Alvin said, winking at my sister.

"Of course, it may sound terrific, apart from the fact that we're not fucking bulletproof. What happens when it takes them exactly two seconds to respond to the bullets that we just shot at them? What happens when the element of surprise is no longer a surprise?," I said, frustration growing. "We don't have that damn miracle healer yet, if we get shot, there's no God in heaven that's going to step down from his golden throne and keep us from bleeding to death. So no, we're doing this a different way."

Alvin rubbed his jaw and nodded stiffly. Haley seemed to understand.

"Wasn't it Chris who was supposed to get that new healer kid?," Kyle asked curiously from across the table. Kyle was usually the quietest of the crew but always one of deadliest.

"Yeah," I grumbled, running an exhausted hand across my face. "But apparently, our timing was off and now we're stuck without that damn miracle healer while the rest of the gang are on their cursed death bed."

"Didn't your dad send Ryder and Bruce to fetch him tomorrow? You know they don't leave a mission empty-handed, especially if the gang needs help," Ally said with a determined look on her face.

"Yeah, they should have him here by five o'clock tomorrow. Once he's here, all I have to do is make him comply," I said, leaning back in my chair.

"You should go easy on him, I heard he sort of gets mistreated enough at home," my sister said with a meaningful look.

I shrugged. "I'll do what I have to." Every time that another person was brought in to be part of the gang, my father, the one who led our gang, always set me with the task of making them submit. Sometimes, it required just a tad bit of threatening—some violence—but most times it was just persuasion that made them come around. Usually the money that we offered to pay them was enough for them to swear loyalty.

Deep in my mind, I knew I had to be cautious with how I handled this healer. We needed him more than we've ever needed anybody. I needed him to agree to our terms and willingly work his medicinal magic.

Months ago, there was a rumor floating around various gangs of this boy who could heal anything. When my father heard only a whisper of the rumor, he sent spies immediately to confirm his talents.

Ever since they've confirmed it, we've been hatching a plan to retrieve him in order to make our gang the strongest it's ever been. This healer had to comply and I was going to make it happen.


Tyler was a boy of only fifteen who happened to be beyond skilled in all things computer related. Tyler had been with us, the Creeds, for two years, and in those two years, he had learned many dangerous secrets about us that, if told to the wrong people, could mean our downfall.

I would die before I let some puny kid ruin everything I'd built into this gang, everything my family built. Nobody knows why he decided to turn to the K Blades a couple days ago, but it really didn't matter why, all that mattered was that he was a traitor.

Part of the initiation for the K Blades was to part with any remaining information that came before. Everything would be out in the open. Birthplace, height, weight, parents, siblings, birthmarks, allergies, past gangs. He would have to expose us in order to become part of the K Blades. That didn't exactly sit well with me.

"Alvin said they found him. He said you guys have five minutes," Ally said, reading the message that Alvin sent her.

We were at the K Blades' main facility. The walls were an ashen gray color, the floor was littered with black spots from dried gum on the pavement.

"We'll make it in three," Kyle said. I nodded and we descended the steps with swift silence.

Alvin and Hayley were supposed to be the ones to locate Tyler and message us when they found him. Ally was supposed to stay below the stairs and make sure no one discovered us. Kyle and I were set to meet Alvin and Hayley and make sure Tyler didn't make any noise while we took him back to the Creeds' base. In the event that he managed to escape us for even a moment and shout for help, Kyle and I would be there to silence him.

Once Kyle and I made our way to the top of the stairs, we took a sharp left turn into the hallway where Alvin and Haley were. Before we could make it three steps into the hallway, two K Blades guards blocked our path, guns drawn.

"State your name and-," the guards began, but were cut off by Kyle's silencer. Two swift shots to the head with absolutely no noise.

"Shit," Kyle cursed silently. "What are we going to do with the bodies?," Kyle asked as an after thought of his action.

I shook my head and stepped over the two lifeless corpses. "We don't have time, keep moving."

I heard Kyle inhale a sharp breath but he didn't hesitate to follow me. When we made it down the hallway, Alvin and Hayley came into view along with a struggling Tyler. He had tape over his mouth and he was thrashing wildly. Alvin and Hayley weren't allowed to have guns yet, they were one year too young which meant, knives only. Knives didn't scare Tyler, but guns did.

When Tyler spotted us with loaded guns in hand, his eyes widened and he thrashed with more force. I made it to him in one stride and harshly pointed the cool surface of the revolver to his forehead. Tyler stilled.

"Here's the deal, rat," I spat, "You're going to come with us without the slightest bit of noise. If I hear you even breathe, I'll put a pretty little bullet in those computer hands, then I'll land one into your brain, understand?"

He stared at me for a moment, considering his odds, then nodded twice. I nodded at Alvin and Hayley to haul him up. All five of us made our way down the hall, Kyle and I with the guns in front and Alvin and Hayley escorting Tyler from the back of us. Once again I stepped over the two corpses without a second glance, I offered no explanation to Hayley or Alvin. This was not the time to talk.

When we met Ally at the bottom of the steps, I felt my shoulders relax. Kyle and I continued to lead the crew towards the exit of the facility and into the sleek black car with the driver ready to step on the gas petal.

I climbed into the passenger seat and watched as Alvin and Hayley wedged Tyler in between them. Kyle sat to the left of Hayley and Ally chose the seat to the right of Alvin.

Today was a small victory, and over the years, I learned to celebrate those. Tomorrow with this healer, I would win again.

"Get us the hell out of here," I said to the driver. He nodded and sped us back to the Creeds' main base.

Home, that's where we went.

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