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When I woke, Nathan had halted the engine and was shaking my shoulder slightly. He had a brilliant grin plastered on his face which I hadn't been accustomed to yet. This whole morning, he seemed to have it on, and I was determined to keep it that way.

"Rise and shine, little one," he said, taking his hand from my shoulder. "We're here."

I looked around and involuntary squealed out loud. Nathan looked at me incredulously.

My cheeks burned. "I love the carnival," I admitted.

He smirked. "Thought you might."

I smiled. He looked away and opened his door. "All right, kid, let's have some fun."

When I opened the passengers door, I was met with a chilly gust of wind. It nipped at my cheeks and nose, I shivered.

Nathan led the way to the entrance of the carnival where a ticket booth was located. With a fresh wave of embarrassment, I realized I didn't bring any money to buy a carnival ticket, or anything at all for that matter.

I pulled at Nathan's sweatshirt sleeve. He looked down at me with expectancy in his green eyes. With the movement, the morning light glinted off his diamond studs.

"I...I didn't bring any money," I said, shamefully.

He scanned my embarrassed features, then grinned wickedly. "I know, don't worry about it."

He walked to the ticket booth breezily with me on his tail. The girl at the booth flushed at the sight of Nathan, she tucked a hair behind her ear and leaned low to reveal her imposing cleavage.

Nathan seemed to pay no attention to her as he paid for two tickets. His expression was nonchalant and almost bored.

I guess he wasn't impressed.

"My shift ends at eleven," the girl said flirtatiously. "Maybe ditch the kid and we could go somewhere...private," she said, biting her lip.

Ditch the kid. With shame, I realized she was referring to me. My shoulders slumped slightly.

Nathan's expression didn't seem to change as he pocketed the tickets.  "You have food stuck in your teeth," he said casually, before pulling me away from the booth, leaving the girl to self-consciously look in her compact mirror.

"She was pretty," I stated bleakly. "Didn't you think so?"

I truly didn't think I wanted his answer.

He looked ahead with his hands in his pockets. "She was beautiful," he admitted with a nod. There was no grin on his face.

Something foul twisted my stomach as I wrapped my arms around myself. I willed the feeling to go away.

" why didn't you just leave me? Why didn't you go with her?," I asked quietly.

He turned to me with a confused expression. "Because I'm not an asshole. I'm not going to just leave you here, Presley," he said, nudging me. "And plus, she didn't look like that much fun," he shrugged.

The foul twist in my stomach seemed to subside at his words. I felt myself smiling again.

"So what your saying is that I'm fun and she's not?," I asked.

He nodded. "Correct."

I giggled and his mouth turned up in a smile.

We approached the ticket man where he scanned our tickets, allowing us entry into the carnival. I took a glorious breath of the carnival food and my stomach gave a tiny growl.

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