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After the meeting with Nathan's dad—my actual boss as Nathan would say, I headed back to my room. The room that was assigned to me was surprisingly spacious inside, it was definitely much bigger than the room I had back when I lived with Robert.

The clothes that filled the drawers were strangely close to my size. It was like the gang already knew I would be staying here.

They probably did. They probably knew almost everything about me.

The Creeds had given me a new backpack and general school supplies yesterday. The only things I left Robert's house with were the clothes on my back. It was a royal pain to know that all my school work was lost forever. I had to learn to adapt, though. I knew that now.

I sighed as I picked up my backpack and made my way out the door. I wished I hadn't cried in front of the boss or Nathan back in the office. I felt weak for bursting into helpless tears when the boss raised his voice at me. I really thought he would show some leniency to me but I was wrong. Now I would have to let down Mrs. Dean to avoid letting down the gang.

My gang.

Nathan said he would be waiting for me in the garage to take me to school as the boss instructed. There was only one problem, I didn't actually know where the garage was. I decided to look for Haley in the dining hall but instead I encountered Red. I didn't quite get why everyone called him Red, there was nothing red about him. His hair was a dark shade of blonde and his nose looked like it had been broken more times than I could count.

"Oh hey, kid," Red said enthusiastically as I approached him. He stood talking to a tall boy with brown almond shaped eyes.

I smiled up at him despite my sorrowful mood. "Hey, Red," I said with a small wave. "Can you help me with something?"

"Anything, kid," he grinned.

"I'm pretty sure he'd dance around naked if you asked him to. He's been going on and on about how you saved his life," the boy with the almond shaped eyes said, smirking.

Red shoved him. "Shut up, Kyle."

They both made a show of play fighting but then stopped to tell me directions to the garage. I thanked them and mentally repeated the directions in my head so I wouldn't forget. When I turned the last corner of a hallway, I found myself in the doorway of the garage. There were dozens of expensive looking vehicles, including the one that was used to abduct me.

Nathan stood leaning on the passengers door of a black jeep. He looked deep in thought as his eyes were trained on the floor below him. When I took a step forward, his green eyes snapped toward me. He opened the passengers door and signaled for me to get in.

Once I was in the car, he shut the door and made his way to the drivers side. When he pulled the Jeep out of the garage, he kept his stoney face concentrated anywhere else but me.

When we made it out of the gate of the facility, I saw him glance sideways at me. He tightened his grip on the wheel and pursed his lips. His diamond studs glinted in the morning light. Nathan looked like he was debating something, but I hadn't the faintest idea what was running through his mind.

The facility, I learned from Haley, was forty minutes away from my school. Normally it would take a mere five minutes for me to arrive there but I wasn't complaining much. If Nathan drove me to school everyday, I don't think I'd ever be late. He drove like he was racing every car on the street.

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