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"Do you need help applying to dorms?," asked Mrs. Dean.

"No, don't worry Mrs. Dean. I'm not going to stay at the dorms next year."

She looked at me with concern. "Is this about money? We can apply for-," I shook my head to cut her off.

I smiled softly at her. "I'm going to stay with boyfriend next year. He's a little older than I am and he has his own place."

His own place. Hah. More like a whole facility.

To me, the word 'boyfriend' didn't quite fit Nathan. He was so much more. He changed my life in more ways than one. He's done more for me than what anyone else in my life has even tried to do. It spoke volumes.

"Is he good to you?," she asked, looking concerned again.

I almost laughed. "He's not perfect, but I couldn't imagine a universe without him." And that was the truth.

Mrs. Dean squeezed my hand and handed me a small gift with Christmas tree wrapping paper. I looked at her in surprise.

"Open it on Christmas ," she said with a smile. "Now, get out of here and enjoy your Christmas break, my star student."

I gave her a tight hug which she returned with equal pressure. "Have a good Christmas, Mrs. Dean," I grinned before I left her office.

I looked down at the gift in my hands and walked through the now empty hallway. It was after school hours, the only people here were club members and sports players. I smiled as I shook the tiny box, guessing at what was inside.

Could it be a gift card? A new set of mints perhaps?

I'd be happy with both outcomes, I'd be happy even if I didn't receive a gift, or if Christmas wasn't  nearing. I'd be happy because Nathan had told me that he loved me last night. He muttered it in his sleep, he didn't get to see the tears that had surfaced in my eyes. In a way, I was glad he didn't because I wouldn't have had known what to say. I still didn't know how to respond to him. All I knew was that I was the happiest I'd ever been last night, and for now, that was enough. It was enough because Nathan was apart of me now, that I was sure of. 

"What's in the box?," a voice startled me out of my thoughts. I snapped my head up and zeroed in on Ross with his hands in his pockets and a small smirk playing on his lips.

For some reason, the first thought that came to my mind was, run.

I offered him a small smile. "I don't know. Mrs. Dean told me to open it on Christmas."

He stood in front of me. "And you follow her rules?," he asked playfully. "Just open it, it might be something good."

"I like waiting," I shrugged timidly. "It makes the gift more special."

He nodded once, then scanned my face. "What are you doing today?"

Making more healing elixirs for my high profile gang.

"Probably take a nap when I get home," I offered with a tired smile.

Ross looked past me for a moment, considering something, then met my eyes. "Can you spare fifteen minutes?"

"Ah," I managed with nervousness. "I don't thi-."

The dark eyed boy grabbed my arm with a smile. "I promise I won't kiss you this time. I just want to show you something."

Don't you dare, my instincts warned.

The soft heart of mine caused me to nod. "Only fifteen minutes," I whispered. "My ride doesn't like to wait."

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