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We were in the infirmary. Kyle held Ally's hand. She still hadn't woken up. Kyle was the only one I allowed here with me.

He wouldn't leave her side, not even satan could pry him from her.

Everyone else had to leave. When Ally woke up, she didn't need to be surrounded with eager eyes.

Nathan had voiced his concerns to me before I asked him to leave. He had said that he thought Ally'd been raped. There was no bleeding of any sort, so I had no reason to believe that. I couldn't exactly...check her. She needed a female healer for that, and I didn't know any female healer. Nathan didn't know one either, at least not one that would keep the gang's secrets.

Kyle spoke as I injected a needle into her forearm. "What's that?," he demanded, his voice was gruff but he kept it low for Ally's sake.

"It's medicine to keep her hydrated," I explained softly. "Don't worry, Kyle, it's not going to hurt her, okay?," I spoke gently.

He nodded, then returned his almond eyes to Ally's resting form.

Oh, Ally. What happened to you?

She had no evidence of harm, which was odd considering how they found her. She was perfectly in tact, not even a scratch. Unlike Alvin, who had a busted lip and three broken fingers. I had given him an elixir to slow the swelling two hours ago. His injuries have probably already healed by now.

I sat down in a chair on the other side of Ally's hospital bed and faced Kyle. His solemn face was focused on Ally.

"Kyle?," I asked, gently.

He drew his attention to me. "Kid," he stated.

"Can I ask you something?," I asked before I could lose the nerve.

A look of confusion shadowed over his face. He sighed. "Sure, kid. What's up?."

"Do you think...," I paused. "Do you consider me a real member of this gang?"

He cocked his head to the side, considering. My heart sunk, he probably didn't think I should be here.

He cleared his throat. "I think you're the best thing to ever happen to the gang, kid. This is the most secure we've ever been, with you as our healer."

I could feel my face light up. "You really think that?," I asked, quietly.

He nodded. "And Nathan seems to value you more than I've seen him value anyone. Even me, his best friend. He cares about you, kid," he looked pleased. "It's brought out the best in him."

I thought back to when Nathan almost stabbed Raymond to finality, I probably bring out the worst in him also. But nonetheless, I couldn't suppress the smoldering heat that enveloped my cheeks. My appreciative smile was wiped away with the sight of Ally starting to stir awake.

Kyle snapped his attention to her. Ally's eyes slowly fluttered open. She squinted at the infirmary room lights. Kyle took her hand cautiously, she gazed upon him and erupted in tears. He pulled her gently into a hug. She cried into his chest. My hands trembled with worry.

"Ally?," I asked softly. "Are you in pain? I can heal it, I just need you to tell me where."

She took her face out of Kyle's chest to look at me. "I'm not hurt," she sobbed. "I just...," she halted her sentence and returned to Kyle's chest.

He eyed me worriedly.

"You're not hurt? At all?," I asked tentatively, careful not to push her over her emotional edge.

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