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Nathan was too busy with a meeting to take me to school, Red had to take me instead.

Normally, Nathan's composure was rock solid, but yesterday with the car accident, I saw a sliver of franticness for the first time. He wouldn't give me much insight of who he thought was behind the attack, but from his expression, there was only one option. The K Blades.

Tomorrow was Saturday, which meant that tensions were already high, not just with the Creeds, but with all the gangs, I would imagine. Tomorrow the gang race would take place at nightfall. Haley had told me that the racing would unfold at a wide, abandoned track that was away from all the city life.

My heart sunk just thinking about Nathan endangering himself with a bunch of street thugs that no doubt wanted to kill him.

Don't worry about him, Presley.

"Earth to Presley," Mrs. Dean waved a hand in front of my face.  "Anyone in there?"

I gave myself a shake and gave her a small her smile. "Just got lost in thought," I said. "What were you saying?"

She sighed. "I was saying you can leave now, buddy," she nudged me. "It's Friday, for Christ's sake! Go have some fun."

I chuckled lightly and got up from my seat in her office. "I'll see you next week, Mrs. Dean," I waved to her.

"Don't party too hard, kiddo!," she hollered at me on my way out.

I wanted to laugh out loud.

I've only been to one party, and I was almost kidnapped by a high profile gang.

I reached into my pocket and took out a mint, then put it in my mouth. When I reached the outside air, I sucked in a chilly breath that made me shiver.

"Where were you at lunch today?," Ross's voice sounded from behind me.

I whipped around and stifled a little gasp. His left cheek was littered with stitches while his hand sported a short cast. He looked horrible.

"What...what happened to you?," I whispered.

He took a step towards me. "Answer my question first."

"I had to retake a test," I said softly, slightly backing away.

His eyes seemed to soften. "Oh," he said, then smiled flirtatiously. "I guess I just missed you too much." He took another step forward.

My cheeks engulfed in flames, I recovered quickly.

"Ross," I said quietly. "How did you get hurt?"

His eyes hardened. "Don't worry about it," he said, then shrugged easily. "I got into a fight with some guys yesterday, no big deal."

He didn't meet my eyes. I sighed and dug into my backpack. "I have something for that. It'll help you feel better," I explained.

He grabbed my hand to stop me from retrieving the healing elixir. "I don't want it," he said, letting go of my hand harshly.

" sure?," I asked, eyes wide. "That cut doesn't look very nice."

Ross shook his head, he looked almost repulsed. A look of hurt must have flashed through my face because he sighed. "It's not that I don't think it'll's just that, I'm already on a bunch of medicine and I don't know how well that'll mix."

I smiled in understanding.

A car honked its loud horn from behind me. I turned around and located Red's challenger. "Let's go, kid!," he hollered. "We don't have all day."

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