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It was Friday afternoon and I was in my office.

I was staring at the pile of paperwork that my dad had dumped on me. It consisted of local police reports that our gang had intercepted. There was nothing out of the ordinary about the contents of the reports, except for one thing. One of the reports reported a kidnapping of a young girl, that wasn't the part that was suspicious though. The part that was suspicious was where they say she was found and claimed, but it never gives any details on where she was found or in what condition she was in.

In police reports, there are always those kinds of details. In this report, it was almost like someone was trying to cover up the case. I wouldn't have payed much attention to the report if it was the only one like it, but it wasn't. There were three other kidnapping reports with gaps in the information. They were all of children who were abducted.


Could it be the K Blades?

I didn't know.

Did I want to investigate?

Fuck yes.

There was a quick knock at my door. I set the reports down and hollered for the person to enter. It was Red. I gave him a quizzical look, he was supposed to be on a mission with Alvin this afternoon.

"Before you say anything," Red started. "Me and Alvin are going to take off right now, but I think you should know that Presley's having an...episode in his room right now."

"Episode?," I said, standing up. "What the fuck does that mean, Red?"

He sighed. "I wasn't supposed to hear, but the poor boy is crying his lungs out with your sister. You might want to check it out."

My sister can take care of him, one part of me thought.

What if he's hurt? What if he needs me? Who made him cry?," the other half of me thought. It was just yesterday that I had kissed his mouth and invaded his space, I wasn't supposed to act like a stranger anymore.

Maybe I should act like a stranger.

I cleared my throat and rounded my desk to stand in front of Red. "I appreciate you telling me."

He nodded. "Of course."

"Go meet up with Alvin before it gets too dark," I ordered.

He saluted and turned around to leave. Once he shut the door behind him, I huffed out a breath.

I shook my head and opened my office door, making my way towards Presley's room. I climbed two flights of stairs and walked through three hallways to get there. Once I was in front of his door, I didn't bother knocking.

When I opened the door, my heart seemed to crack. Presley was hugging his teddy bear and crying uncontrollably. Haley had an arm around him while trying to get him to calm. Her head shot up when she heard the sound of the door.

My sisters's eyes widened. "Nate? What-."

I shook my head and held up a hand to silence her. Presley whimpered slightly and turned his face away from me, like he was embarrassed.

"Out, Hales," I instructed my sister.

Haley crossed her arms defiantly. "No, I want to stay here with Presley."




"I need you downstairs," I stated. "You can come see him later."

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