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It was Saturday and all I wanted to do was stay in bed. I was unlucky, because someone knocked on my door. I pulled the blankets over my head and prayed the person would come back another day, even if it was Haley...or Nathan. Frankly, I didn't want to see anyone.

"Kid," it was Red's voice. "The boss wants to meet us in twenty minutes. Don't be late."

I groaned into my pillow.

"Did you hear me, kid?," Red asked, still from outside the door. "Wakey wakey."

I pulled the blankets down and sighed. "Okay, I'll be there soon," I voiced loudly, making sure he heard me.

"Good to know your alive," he chuckled, then the sound of his footsteps indicated that he was retreating.

I threw off the blankets and freshened up in the bathroom. I shoved on a sweater and threw on a pair of dark jeans. My stomach gave a low growl as I put on my shoes.

Pancakes sound good right now, actually. Maybe if I eat fast, I can still make it to the boss's meeting on time.

I hurriedly unlocked my door and made it through the facility's quiet hallway. At night, the hallways always made me feel insecure because they were so dark, but during the day, it wasn't so bad.

As I made my way through the hallway that lead to the stairs, I collided with someone sturdy. I gasped as I stumbled back and hit the ground. My elbow throbbed. I looked up and found that it was Kevin who I had bumped into, the one who didn't seem to like me very much. He sneered down at me dangerously, his bulky form added to his menacing look.

"You're lucky Nathan favors you so much," he growled. "Or else, you and me would have some big fucking problems."

I gulped and hastily scrambled up from the floor. "I'm really sorry," I said quietly. "I didn't mean to disturb you."

He scoffed and got closer to me. "Do you want to know something, Presley Flint?"

I didn't respond.

He continued. "You're not even a real member of our gang," he said lowly. He paused, then, "Ask me why."

I looked down at my feet. "Why?," I asked, it was barely audible, even to my ears.

"Because you haven't gotten jumped in yet," he said, then he laughed, it was a bitter sound. "And I'm sure you still get payed more than me, and I've been here for five years."

I didn't know what to say or if I should've said anything at all.

"I'm sorry," I finally said, stepping away from him slightly. "But, there's nothing I can do about that."

He stepped further into my space. "Why the fuck does he even like you so much anyway?," he asked, it looked like it was a genuine question. "He favors you too much if you ask me, I'm not even the only one who thinks that. Ask anyone else."

Suddenly I became self conscious, was everyone in the gang talking about me? Did Kyle, Red, Alvin or even Haley not like me as much as I thought they did? Did I not actually have friends? Did they just tolerate me because Nathan commands it?

No, Presley, stop being a pessimist.

"What's your secret, Flint?," he grumbled. "Do you jerk him off every now and then so he could pay you more?," he laughed.

I looked towards the ground again, my eyes watered with warm tears.

That's not what happens.

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