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The king of the Creeds sat in his office, contemplating whether or not he should purchase flowers for his boyfriend.

What if he's allergic? What if flowers are too cliche?

"You're Nathan Pierce," he muttered to himself. "Don't doubt yourself."

On some days, Nathan would find himself wishing for the bloody rivalry he had with the damned K Blades, just so he could deter his frustration somewhere, but then he would look over at the hazel eyed boy and all his anger would wash away.

A knock came at his door and he shut his laptop. "Come in," he called.

The door swung open. It revealed Ellie, the sweet little girl that he rescued from the K Blades facility. She bounded into his lap.

"Where's auntie Haley?," Nathan said. "You're not supposed to be roaming the facility alone."

She huffed and crossed her arms. "I got bored, uncle Nate. When are we going to pick up Presley. He's nice to me," she pouted. "And he smells nice."

Nathan laughed. "Yeah, he does, doesn't he?"

"So when are we going?," Ellie asked excitedly.

He placed her on her feet. "Now," he said, and took her hand.

The talented healer was in the courtyard at Portland University. He was finishing his biology homework, his brain felt stretched. He wanted to throw his books across the table in frustration.

Who knew pre-med would be so hard?

He sighed, and almost immediately, he heard his favorite sound.

"Excuse me, young man, do you have any idea how fucking gorgeous you look right now?," he turned around to spot the green-eyed gang leader.

Ellie kicked Nathan in the shin. "Don't curse! God doesn't like that."

Nathan grinned and pulled Presley into a melting kiss. Presley gasped when he bit his lip.

"Hey!," he shoved him. "That hurt," he said, tapping his lip.

He winked, and Presley blushed furiously.

"I want ice cream!," Ellie exclaimed, climbing into Presley's lap. "Can we get ice cream, Presley?"

He kissed her head. "Uncle Nathan's buying."

She squealed. "Okay, okay!," she hopped out of the healers arms. "Let's go!"

Nathan grabbed hold of Presley's books and took his hand in the other.

"I love you," he whispered in his ear.

Presley said even quieter. "Like the Sun loves the Earth."

The healer knew that there would be hard days ahead, but all that mattered were the minutes in a day, the seconds, the milliseconds.

Nathan shook his head. "No, like the gang leader loves his healer. Like the healer loves his gang leader."

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