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At the meeting I was in this morning, my dad told me that there was business to take care of at the Tyrant's facility. He instructed me not to go too late in the evening to avoid catching nightfall. At night, I would be more vulnerable.

He told me that I should go alone because if Kyle or Red accompanied me, then it would look too threatening. I didn't really need them for this anyway, it was just a simple exchange of files. Besides, if things got bad, I had a very loaded revolver tucked safely in my belt. I never left the facility without it.

The only problem was that I had Presley in the car and I had no time to stop at the facility to drop him off. I had underestimated the time it took to get to and from his school. If I went back to drop him off now, there was a chance that I would catch nightfall, and that would go against my father's orders.

And it would go against my safety.

Like every other gang facility, the Tyrant's facility was very heavily gated. When I pulled up to the gate, it took a toll on my patience while I was waiting for it to open. The Tyrant's guards were no doubt reviewing my identity and ensuring that I wasn't an unwanted intruder. Once they finally decided that I was on the visitors list, the gate opened.

I pulled into the Tyrant's territory slowly. Next to me, Presley was looking out the window at the bricked building before us.

"Nathan," he began worriedly. "Where are we?"

I cut the engine and did a quick check of our surroundings. Once I was satisfied with the idea of no threats approaching, I reached over Presley to retrieve the files from the glove compartment that were to be exchanged.

"We're at the Tyrant's facility," I said.

He looked at me with alarm in his big hazel eyes. "Is that another gang?"

He was just realizing this now?

"Yes, Presley, it is," I said, letting out a breath.

"Oh," he muttered softly, biting his bottom lip.

"Listen to me," I said sternly. Presley looked at me with undivided attention. "You do not get out of this car at any point, do you understand me? There's still a cash prize for whoever turns you in to the K Blades," I warned.

Presley bit deeper into the pink flesh of his bottom lip and nodded, which I hoped was an indication that he understood. I didn't have time to dwell on it, daylight wouldn't be at my advantage forever.

I nodded once and took the keys out of the engine. "I won't be long," I said before I shut the door and made my way into the building.

The Tyrant's building was run down on the interior just like it was on the exterior and smelled like the inside of a garbage can. I kicked aside a cockroach with disdain and headed up the stairs to the main office.

I knocked sharply on the old, wooded office door and waited to be invited in. The door swung open a short second later to reveal Greg, the leader of the Tyrant's who was at the mere age of nineteen, like me. Unlike me, Greg wasn't taken seriously by his own gang. I didn't even think he took himself seriously.

Greg held a beer bottle in his hand. "Hey, Nate!," he exclaimed drunkenly. "Come in, man. Have a beer with us."

Greg led me into his office where it was a mess of beer and food haphazardly thrown everywhere. I had to resist the urge to cover my nose. It didn't look much like an office with two guys sprawled drunkenly over two chairs, laughing at absolutely nothing. When they saw me, they seemed to straighten themselves. They stopped laughing.

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