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"Hayley, no," I said, running an exasperated hand through my hair. "You can't come."

Haley stomped her foot in protest then crossed her arms stubbornly. "Why not? Alvin gets to go!"

"Yes, but Alvins not my little sister and plus, he's about to get ranked up soon. He's not a kid anymore."

"I'm not either!," she said, throwing her hands up in the air.

"I can't get information from the K Blades while trying to keep an eye on you at the party. You're not going. Don't ask me again," I said, returning to cleaning out my gun.

She sat down next to me, still not giving up. "Please, Nate," she said, giving me her best lovesick puppy expression. "I don't want to be left out."

"Okay, fine, you can come," I said.

Her eyes lit up. "Really?," she asked.

I smirked, running the cloth over my pistol. "No, of course not. Go help Ally in the training room."

She let out a frustrated screech and punched my arm, forcefully. "I hate you," she grumbled, getting up to walk out of the shooting range.

"But I'm your big brother!," I called after her, faking a hurt expression.

She rolled her eyes at me. I shook my head and set the gun down, reaching to polish another one.

Ever since we were little, Haley always wanted to be part of everything. She was never comfortable with being alone, she always had to feel like she belonged with a group. Tomorrow night when I assembled a team to go to the K Blades party, I didn't plan on taking my little sister with me.

It wasn't exactly a very settling idea that the men in the foreign gangs would feast their eyes on her. Haley was only two years younger then me, but she was as naive as they came. It's not that I didn't trust her to take care of herself at the party, it was that I didn't trust them.

"Nate," Kyle called from the doorway of the shooting range. "The boss wants to see you."

I set the gun down and grabbed the gun that was already cleaned out then tucked it safely away beneath my shirt. I followed Kyle out the door and we made our way to my father's office. When we arrived, I expected Kyle to come in with me but he shook his head.

"He said you only." Before Kyle could turn around and leave he asked, "Remind me again, am I in charge of the explosives or the getaway car for tomorrow night?"

"What do you think?" I deadpanned.

He nodded, grinning. "Emergency explosives it is," he said before sprinting down the hall.

If things went south tomorrow night, we needed backup, and Kyle just happened to make the best distractions. I made sure that whatever happened, we were always prepared.

I didn't bother knocking on the door to my dad's office, he was already expecting me. When I opened the door, he looked up from the file that he was reading intensely. He gestured for me to sit down. With reluctance, I sat.

"Who are you taking tomorrow, son? Kyle I hope," he said, setting aside the file and focusing his attention on me.

"Of course," I stated, leaning back in the chair.

"Who else?"

"Alvin and Red," I said, running a hand across my cheek. "Haley wanted to come but she's out of her mind."

"No Kevin?," he pressed, folding his hands together on the desk.

"Don't need him for this," I shrugged, keeping the bitterness in my voice at bay.

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