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Tyler, who we'd taken back from the K Blades, sat in front of the computer setup made for our hackers. We had stored him in the prisoners chamber for almost two months, but now I decided that it was time to let him out. I needed his expertise.

"For the last time, I didn't want to get initiated into the K Blades, they were blackmailing me," Tyler explained, sensing the stiffness in the room.

Red and Kyle avoided his face. Tyler threw his hands up on the air exasperatedly and turned to the computer.

"What do you even need me to do?," he asked, staring at the computer screens in front of him.

I leaned against the desk. "There's a guy I need information on. There's something faulty about him, I just don't know what."

"You think he's undercover for someone?," Kyle spoke up.

I shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. He just looks very familiar to me, but when I asked him if we knew each other, he got all...weird."

"Where did you see this guy?," Red asked.

"Presley's school."

Tyler logged into the computer. "What's his name?"

I opened my mouth to respond but I was at a loss for words. It wasn't until now that I realized I didn't actually know his name. I only knew how I felt about him.

I turned to Red. "Go fetch Presley from the infirmary. He'll know."

Red obeyed.

Tyler scoffed. "So you're telling me you don't even know his name, but you wanted me to find out everything about him...without his name."

"You want to go back to your cell?," I threatened.

Tyler's eyes widened slightly, then he shook his head. "No, sir."

"Didn't think so."

Kyle smirked. "Sir?"

Tyler crossed his arms. "Shut up, I got nervous," he grumbled.

When Red finally came in with Presley, the small boy seemed to avoid my gaze. He tucked his small knuckles into his sweater sleeves like he was cold. I felt the guilt seep into me with what I had said to him yesterday. About me not wanting him, as if he wasn't worthy of being wanted. I knew I had to lay down the line firmly because I didn't want complications with the gang. I needed him to be a healer to my gang, maybe a friend, but nothing further.

It didn't mean I would stop worrying about him, he would always have to be safe, if he wasn't safe, then neither was my gang.

"Hey, kid," I announced, getting his attention.

"Hi," he said quietly, matching my gaze briefly.

"What were you up to right now?," I asked, leaning against the desk again.

Presley smiled slightly. "With Haley. She stopped by the infirmary with chocolate."

"Who the hell is this? I haven't been away that long," Tyler interrupted, pointing at Presley.

Presley's cheeks gave a tiny wave of pink.

I lowered Tyler's pointing finger. "This is Presley, our healer," I turned to Presley. "Kid, this is Tyler, our former hacker."

"Former?," Tyler asked incredulously. "I'm your current hacker. I'm just in a bit of a...time out, right?"

I glared at Tyler. "You were going to expose us to the K Blades," I growled. "You should be lucky you're still breathing right now."

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