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Never in a million years did I imagine that I would be part of a gang. An actual gang with violence and guns and knives and all things bad. The leader, Nathan, didn't exactly give me much of a choice. It took every ounce of strength and courage to look into his razor sharp green eyed gaze.

When I first saw him, I was instantly terrified. He wore these tiny diamond studs on his ears and his hands were covered in tattoos, his knuckles looked like they'd been cut too many times. His hair was nothing like I had ever seen. It was black but the darkest shade that ever existed, almost like black had evolved into it's richest form.

As much as I feared him, when he talked, I almost wanted to comply with whatever he asked. Almost. When he offered to give me a place to stay, money that I could use for college and protection from Robert's fatal wrath, there was nothing more I could ask for. If this gang, my gang now—according to Nathan—, needed my help, then I would do it. I would help them because they would help me back.

"Did my brother do that to your face?," Haley asked, glancing at my cut cheek. She was leading me to the dining hall before I could start healing the gang. Her eye color, along with her hair color, were identical to her brother's but her eyes seemed lighter, like she didn't carry as much of a burden.

I shook my head. "No," I answered quietly.

"Then who?," she asked. "Do you want me to go after them? Have you seen me with a knife? I'm amazing!"

A small giggle escaped my lips. "I just...ran into something, that's all."

She gave me a skeptical brow. "Did your wrist also run into something?," she asked, eyeing the reddish blemish on my wrist.

Don't ask more. Don't ask more. Please don't ask more.

It seemed silly but I felt that if I talked about Robert, then it would summon him. I needed to avoid that at all costs.

She sighed when I didn't answer. "I guess I shouldn't press, I'm sorry. I'm just really glad you're here helping my friends," she said, smiling gratefully. "I just know that me and you are going to be good friends too."

I smiled softly, grateful for at least some kindness in the last twenty-four hours.

"Haley?," I asked, peering at her with wide eyes.

"What is it?," she answered, looking concerned.

"Do you know who the K Blades are? Your brother—he seemed to get really mad when I told him about a green truck that was following me yesterday morning. He said that some K Blades people wanted me," I stated quietly, wary of who these K Blades were.

Haley's expression turned troubled, then her expression softened when she turned to me. "Don't worry about it, Presley. Nathan's going to take care of it, okay? It's nothing."

I didn't quite believe her but one thing I did believe to be true was that Nathan would take care of it. I had only known him for a short while but he seemed to be a determined person. That's one of the reasons I didn't want to cross him, because he'd probably be determined to kill me.

"Okay, so lucky for you, my lovely new friend, today is pasta day. Time to load up on carbs, Presley," she said excitedly. "So I personally recommend the chicken fettuccine Alfredo, but you can pick from five different pastas-''

"Who the hell is this kid? He doesn't look like he went through initiation yet," a boy with the broadest shoulders I've ever seen growled. He looked less like a boy and more like a man. He probably is a man.

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