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They were behind everything. The car crash that Nathan and I were in when we visited my mother at the cemetery, Ally and Alvin's kidnapping, even the-

"Healer," a sharp pinch under my arm brought me out my thoughts. I winced in pain.

I was in the K Blades' infirmary, it was significantly less up-kept then the Creed's. I even saw a roach skitter across the floor at one point.

"Are you listening?," Raymond growled. "I said get up, before I make you."

It had only been a few hours since I had woken up in this nightmare of a situation. I had made the pregnancy prevention elixir as they had demanded. I assured them it was one hundred percent effective. As I had told them, vomit rose up in my throat. It was so wrong. I felt awful.

What kinds of hellish things were they going to put that little girl through?

I shuddered and rose from my seat in the infirmary. Raymond grabbed me harshly by my arm and led me out the door. Fear surfaced within me.

"Where-where are we going?," I whispered.

He tightened his grip on my arm. It went numb.

"Talk again and see what happens," he threatened.

I took a deep breath. It was the only thing I could do to keep my tears at bay.

Raymond opened a steel door and roughly shoved me onto the floor. There was only a single light, and it was at its dimmest setting. I stared up at him, petrified.

All at once, gang members of the K Blades started filing into the room. Ross, Kevin, and ten other intimidating men. It suddenly became hard to breathe.

That's it. I was going to die. I was dead. Dead. Dead. Dead.

"Who do you belong to?," Raymond demanded, nodding his head at Kevin.

"K Blades," Kevin answered loudly, without hesitation. He fixed a cold gaze on me.


Raymond grinned, revealing yellow. He pointed to a dark-skinned member beside Ross.

"And who do you belong to?," he asked.

The dark-skinned boy looked hungrily at me.
"K Blades, where first blood is always drawn."

Raymond turned around, he crouched in front of me.

I inched away from him slightly.

"And you, healer? Who do you belong to now?," he taunted.

I shouldn't have said it. I shouldn't have. But I did, because Nathan taught me what loyalty meant. And a Creeds was always loyal, even beyond the end.

"Creeds," my voice shook, tears were already running down my face.

Raymond had a look of utter rage on his face. He landed his fist into my cheek, I felt the copper taste of blood fill my mouth. He rose as I hunched over, coughing relentlessly.

"You know, healer," he said, pacing the room. The K Blades eyed me with ice. "Pierce called. He wanted to negotiate a trade. He said we could have you for two million dollars," he laughed.

I shook my head. No. My Nathan wouldn't do that. He wouldn't put a price on me. He wouldn't sell me to these evil souls.

He crouched in front of me again, with a look of mock pity in his expression. "No one cares about you, Presley Flint. Not the Creeds. You're alone."

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