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I couldn't ditch school like yesterday, as much as I wanted to, I wouldn't allow myself to. I was entirely exhausted as I carried myself through the halls of my school and to Mrs. Dean's office. Even though it wasn't Friday yet, Mrs. Dean asked me to help her with a few small tasks. She said it wouldn't take more then a few minutes so I agreed, knowing that I wouldn't run the risk of punishment from the boss.

When I arrived at her office, she greeted me with her usual welcoming smile. Her eyes landed on the slight cut on my cheek from the night before and her smile faltered. I had made myself the strongest elixir this morning to ease the pain, it helped soothe it but it did little to fade the mark.

From experience, I knew the tiny cut would heal in approximately two days with proper care but for now, I had to manage.

"Oh dear, what happened there?," she asked, pointing to my cheek.

I sighed. "Don't worry, Mrs. Dean, it was just a clumsy little accident," I reassured her.

She arched a brow. "Are you sure? Is everything okay at home?"

I dug my nails into the palm of my shaking hands, demanding that my tears stay at bay. The night before was still too fresh in my mind, and mentally, I hadn't fully recovered. I could still feel Robert twist my arm, I could still see the wild look on Nathan's face when he beat him bloody.

"Everything's great," I said quietly. "The story's just too embarrassing to share," I forced a small chuckle.

Her worried expression wavered and she laughed. "You are a clumsily little thing," she admitted.

I sat down at a chair in front of her and a forced another chuckle. Mrs. Dean let the subject go and I huffed out a silent sigh of relief.

While I stirred a healing elixir, she copied down a recipe that I gave her for an effective stress relieving remedy.

"Have you given any more thought to the colleges you're going to apply to?," she asked as I was inputting the last ingredient for the third healing elixir.

Weeks ago, I would've broke down in tears at the question but now I didn't feel the need to do that. The gangs salary was efficient enough for paying tuition for college. I sent in five applications last week to different schools.

Deep in my mind, I knew that if I wanted to keep earning the gangs salary, I needed to stay local which wasn't much of an issue, there were plenty of great schools here.

"I just sent out five applications," I admitted with a smile. "My aim is for Portland University."

Mrs. Dean let out a gasp. "Gosh, Presley, I'm so proud of you. For a second, you had me worried that you were going to waste that brilliant brain of yours."

I shook my head. "I haven't gotten in yet, Mrs. Dean," I stated quietly.

"I know that, silly! But I have one hundred percent faith that you will," she said with a beaming smile.

Despite my turbulent mood, I found myself matching her smile.


The hallways were empty as I walked through them, reminding me that it was after school hours. I liked the halls like this, where I didn't have to weave my way through tight crowds.

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