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When Nathan dropped me off at school in the morning, he said nothing. He seemed to be bothered about something, so I didn't say a word either. I didn't even make a sound.

He must've been caught up with the encounter that we had with the K Blades last night. I knew it was a delicate subject, so I didn't mention it. I wasn't sure if I even wanted him to talk about it, I might have burst into tears again.

Now, I sat in my last class of the day, looking at the clock, waiting for it to strike three thirty. I could sense plenty of stares directed at the reddish mark on my cheek from where Raymond had stricken me.

I ducked my head and was relieved when the school bell rang. I gathered all my things and shoved them into my backpack. As I approached the front of the school, I realized that it had started to drizzle slightly. I pulled my hood over my head and prepared to stand in the rain.

I found an awning to stand under and waited for Nathan's car to show up. I tucked my chilled fingers into my warm jacket pockets.

When I felt the tap at my shoulder, I instantly whirled around and embarrassingly lost my footing. I slipped backward on the slippery concrete, but someone caught my arm before I could hit the floor. It was Ross. He pulled me closer to him and grinned.

"Didn't mean to scare you," he said, hand still on my arm.

I gently loosened myself from his grasp. "Not your fault," I said. "I'm just...a little jumpy, that's all."

Ross frowned. "You have a bruise again," he reached out to touch my cheek.

I shook my head and faked a chuckle. "You know me, always clumsy."

Ross didn't look like he believed me. "Thought we were friends," he said, moving closer to me. "Friends don't lie to friends."

"Some do," I said, trying to deviate the conversation.

He arched a brow, then shook his head. "Fine, we don't have to talk about it," he dug his hands in his pockets. "How was your weekend?"

I shrugged. "Nothing new, just watched some movies."

A loud honk cut off Ross' response. I turned my head and to my horror, it was Nathan in a sleek white Jeep. By his expression, I could tell that he disapproved of who I was talking to.

"I have to go," I told Ross. "I'll um, talk to you later, okay?"

Ross grabbed my hand to stop me, then released it. "Be safe," he said, then casted Nathan a look. I rushed towards the Jeep and prayed that Nathan didn't catch the look that Ross sent him.

Once I was in the car, I immediately buckled my seatbelt, giving Nathan the indication to drive away.

He didn't move, just gazed at Ross' retreating figure.
He started the engine again.

"You're still friends with him?," Nathan asked.

I shrugged, looking at my hands. "Not really, sometimes we talk, that's all."

He didn't respond right away.

"Nothing more?," he asked, focusing on the road ahead of him.

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